the start of it all (Elli's POV)

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I gazed with wonder at the digital drawing that I had just created, and wondered how human hands could create works so pleasing to the eye.

The vibrant colors, the flowers sticking out to the sides, and my face staring right back at me.

Just me reveling in my beauty.
No, I don't find myself arrogant, just proud of who I am.

The room was quiet, except the sound of my AC blowing cold air across the huge room, cars passing by outside, and the sounds of nighttime.

It was a tranquil feeling. Just sitting in my room at night, listening to some chill nighttime tunes...not having a care in the whole world.

My whole body jumped when my phone received a notification.

My wife had texted me a party invite and a message saying:

"Hey, babe! You remember Lana from highschool?"

"Yeah, I remember her."

"She's throwing a party with everyone from our class. Wanna go?"

"Sure! I'm free tomorrow."

"Ok good! I'll tell her we'll be there."

"Okay great! 😁"

"I'm on my way home so I'll see you there! I love you. 🥰"

"I love you too." I put my phone down.

"Everybody from our class in highschool...this should be fun!" I sank back in my gaming chair, putting my arms on the armrests.

I ruffled my curly hair and decided to play a game on my computer since I didn't really have anything else to do.

I ate, I cleaned the house, and organized everything.

"Wait! I should go pick out my outfit for tomorrow!"

I hopped out of my chair and ran over to my closet.

I pushed open the sliding door and turned on the lights.

The big black shelves held every article of clothing I owned. From shirts and sweatpants, to dresses and suits I wore to big events, being a performing arts icon and all that jazz.

I slowly paced around the room, looking closely at everything formal I owned.

"Hmm...dress...or suit?" I asked myself as I paced around the room. But something caught my eye.

I saw my favorite red dress sitting on a hanger. I could hear it's voice whispering for me to admire it.

The flowy red dress with that glittery turtleneck never failed to amaze me. I smiled. I could pair it with some nice makeup and I'd be set!

"Yeah, I'm taking this one." I said as I nodded my head.

"I'm home!" I heard a voice say downstairs.

I rushed downstairs and my beautiful wife, Sunny Fox, stood in front of me.

I went to hug her, wrapping my arms around her huge figure. I rested my head on her chest as I snuggled her a bit more.

"Hi honey!" she chuckled. I let her go and stared into her beautiful jade green eyes.

They always seemed to calm me down.

I reached up to give her a kiss, letting my lips meet theirs.

"I already picked out my dress for tomorrow! It's the red one." I smiled.

"That's great, love! I still have to choose mine." Sunny said, sighing.

"Well let's go! We should be prepared beforehand."

"That's true." Sunny said.

"Well what are you waiting for? C'mon!"

My hand grabbed hers and we walked upstairs to her closet.

Unlike mine, hers was white, and organized a different way.

But it fit all of the things she had, so it works.

We turned on the lights to the bright room and the closet could no longer hide in the dark.

"I was thinking of maybe wearing...where is it is!" Sunny pulled out a navy blue dress that reminded me of sapphires.

"Wait, I like that!" I squealed. I swear, anything this woman did never failed to amaze me. "I think it would suit you well! We'd look like Player 1 and Player 2, but I think it fits us, no?

"You really think so?"

"Of course! You'd look great, honey."

"Okay, then, I'll take it."

"Yay!" I exclaimed.

"Well, I think I'm gonna change and head to bed, I'm tired." Sunny rubbed her forehead.

"Okay, then! Goodnight, hun."


I decided to get to bed too, seeing as it was 10:30 and I felt my face struggle to stay awake.

My human side telling me I'm tired.

I also didn't want to be tired tomorrow.

But boy, I was not ready for what was about to happen that day.

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