heartbreak? (Narrator's POV)

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Sunny opened the door and there stood Noah and Lana. They breathed a sigh of relief.

"Elli's up in her room." Sunny breathed. Sunny's eyes were dark with pain as she walked away to the living room.

"Noah, I'll stay downstairs with Sunny." Lana nodded. Noah marched upstairs to Elli's room and knocked on the door.

"Go away, Sunny." Elli growled.

"Babe, it's me, Noah. I'm worried about you." Noah said, hoping to talk to Elli.

"Fine. What do you want?" Elli said, in an unsympathetic, flat voice.

Noah slowly opened the door.

Elli was laying on his bed, facing straight up at the ceiling with his lights off and his curtains closed. Noah found a small couch and sat down.

"Can I ask you something, Elli?" Noah tried to not let his voice break.
Elli sighed.

"If it's about earlier, I don't wanna hear it, Noah. Just let me be alone for a moment. I'll talk to you when I'm feeling better." She pulled their pillow over his head.

"But I'm worried about you. You never lash out at people like that..." Noah's voice broke, even through all his attempts at trying not to. He sniffled.

"It's just that I can't fucking date anyone without some kind of backlash. I'm sick and tired of your ex. I'm sick and tired of walking into a place and people whispering about me. I can't just not let him fuckin' get to me. It's not that easy and you know that, idiot. You fucking DATED him for fucks' sake!"

"Lana was just trying to help, Elli! She didn't mean to upset you!"

"I don't care! She thinks it's so damn easy. She saw you. She saw me. She saw my wife. It's a bigger situation than it seems and she knows it." Elli's voice broke with every word, although he was yelling.

He sniffled.

"I'm so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He screamed, bashing his head against a pillow.

"I know what you mean. Lana should've known better. Okay, I think I'll get out now. I'm always messing everything up." Noah got up to leave.

"No. Stay."

Noah stopped.

"I'm sorry. I know I'm never this mean. We've been through a lot and I'm just making things worse."
Noah stopped for a few minutes.

"Can I sit down next to you?" Noah asked.

Elli nodded.

Noah sat down next to Elli, who's eyes were dull and colorless from crying and being angry.

"Don't leave..." Elli murmured.

"I'm not leaving. But Sunny's still hurt."

"I know she is. I feel so bad. I wanna go downstairs and say sorry..."

"Then go."

Elli threw the pillow to the side, and got up.

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