your failed attempt at love (Noah's POV)

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"What?" I asked the frozen Elli. Her face turned a bright red.

"How did you guys know what I was thinking?" He said.

"We could clearly see that you were thinking of something when you came out of your room, Elli." Sunny said.

"Yeah, and so we gave you something to think about. I know when you're gonna read my mind, Elli. She doesn't though. It was just a coincidence." I said. Elli's face was still red.

"Can I be excused?"

"Sure, go ahead. We're just messing with ya." Sunny smiled. Elli got up out of his seat and walked away, back to the comfort of his own room.

My room was quiet, with nothing but the sound of my own breathing. I scrolled through my social medias to see we were still trending.

I shrugged. I heard a faint knock of the door downstairs, and so I rushed to the door. I opened it to

But from who? I noticed that they were roses, my favorite, but who would send me flowers out of the blue? I looked and there was a note. It read:

It's Jacob. I'm really sorry about everything. I feel like absolute shit. I just really hope you'll take me back. I miss you and I love you. I promise I'll treat you better than before. I've changed, I swear. I don't want Sunny, I want you.

"Yeah, that's what they all say." I rolled my eyes.

"Did someone knock on the door?" Elli came behind me, almost startling me.

"Yep, it was my ex sending me flowers in an effort to 'get me back.'" I mocked his voice. I took them out of their packaging, and something cut my hand, making my hand ooze with blood.

"Ow!" I yelped in pain.

"Thorns." Elli said. "I'll get you a band-aid." He walked away to go find some band-aids, and I just started at the roses in pure fear.

I looked back at my bleeding hand, which had gotten slightly worse. Elli jogged back downstairs.

"That cut looks nasty. And from a thorn?" She winced, holding the bandaid and Neosporin in her hands.

She put them in her pocket, grabbed my hand, and started licking the blood off of my wound.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Licking off the blood. I'm a vampire."

"Oh. Right."

"I'm just cleaning your wound, babe. Your blood is very sweet. Your cum is too, surprisingly. No wonder you're so nice. Your body is made up of sweet."

I blushed.

"Anytime you have a sweet tooth, call me up."

Afterwards, he applied the Neosporin and put the bandage on.

"That should do it. Now, where to put those roses?" Elli asked.

"Somewhere where no one can touch them, that's where. These came from JACOB. You don't know what tricks he's got up his sleeve." I replied.

"Yeah, good idea."

We put the dangerous roses in a glass vase on the kitchen counter towards the back.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and warn Sunny." I said.

I raced upstairs to her room, and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" She replied from the other side.

"Oh, hey, Noah! What's up?" She replied. She sounded cheerful.

"Just to let you know, there's some roses in the kitchen, but they're from Jacob. I've already cut myself once because of the thorns, so I suggest you don't touch it."

"Oh, okay! That's fine. Jacob finally backed off from me, in case you're wondering why I'm so cheerful."

"Yeah, I know. He says he's sorry and all that crap. I'm just gonna let those shits die."

"Makes sense."

I closed her door.

Again, trying to fix bullet holes with Band-Aids.

Those flowers weren't sent to me out of love, I could tell. But we would just have to wait and see.

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