the cooldown ⛈️ (Elli's POV)

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I led the police upstairs and let them take care of Jacob. The sun was already setting after we answered all of the questions that they had.

Noah decided to calm himself down in my room while everything was going on. I raced to his room to go check on him.
He was with Lana, who was talking to him while healing his wounds.

"Everything okay in here?" I asked."

"He's got a few cuts and bruises, but I was able to heal those. I treated his stomach, which seems to be under control. I gave him an apple and he's holding it down. I'm just talking to him. He asked about you earlier."

I gently sat next to him on my bed. His eyes were red from crying so much. He pulled me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him.

"Is he still here?" He asked me, frantically.

"No, honey, he's not. I'll make sure he never gets close to you like that ever again."

"This is all my fault." Noah murmured.

My heart shattered like glass.
After all that, he still thought it was his fault.

"No, it's not. It was never your fault. It's his and I'm gonna make sure he goes away for a very long time." Tears filled my eyes and my voice started breaking.

I felt a fire in my soul light up. One of sadness and anger. That bitch hurt my friend. He wasn't just my boyfriend. He meant the world to me and Sunny. He was my best friend.

Tears quickly streamed down my cheeks.
"I was so worried he would kidnap me or something." Noah muttered.

"Hell. No." I responded.

"Elli, I think you should calm down, your eyes are turning red..." Lana commented. I took a breath and felt myself relax a little.

"I just feel like you guys shouldn't have to protect me all the time...I feel so w-weak..."

"You're not weak, Noah. You're a strong guy who's still standing after so much pain. It's okay. He can't hurt you. Not on our watch he won't." Lana commented.

A few minutes later, Sunny stepped in the room and sat down alongside us. Noah and I were cuddling while Lana sat in my small couch.

"Word got around fast. Everyone knows already." She sighed. "Taylor got so mad. They want to start a group that hunts down rapists and abusers." She chuckled.
"Gotta love them for it." Lana said. "I'd actually like to see that happen, if I'm being honest. It does happen pretty often in our neighborhood."

"Yeah, that sounds cool." Noah muttered.

He turned back to me. I nodded my head in agreement. He put his hand on my chest and stared at me with his beautiful hazel eyes.
They were full of gratitude and love.
They weren't red with tears, but shone with a passion that blazed like a fire. My cheeks turned a bright red. He grabbed my face and kissed me. I felt tingly with happiness all over my body. I returned his kiss, losing myself in the feeling of his feathery lips against mine. He pulled away.
"Aww!" Sunny said. "Lana, they kissed!"
"That's nice, it's probably not the first time it's happened though." Lana replied.
"Yeah, it's gone farther than just kissing..." Sunny said, hesitantly.
Lana's eyes went wide. She looked at us, then at Sunny.

She was appalled.

"Yeah, let's not continue this conversation." Lana looked down at her phone again.

"Understood." Sunny replied. The room was silent for a few minutes before someone spoke.

"So, what do we do from here?" Noah asked. The room went silent as we heard yelling from the other room. Noah started giggling.

"What are you giggling at?" I said, smiling.

"Jacob sounds like a baby throwing a tantrum."

"Oh yes he is. And I'm making sure that he goes to jail forever. We all are." I replied.

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