2. After a Mission... (Clint Barton from The Avengers)

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   "So," Clint began, flopping down on the couch beside me after his long shower. "What do you want to do?"
   He had just been cooped up in a plane on a mission for thirteen hours straight and was more than ready for something fun to do. Unfortunately for him, I had been running 'errands' all day for my boss and I had no interest in leaving the apartment. I quickly searched my brain for something we could do that involved something fun while staying home. I loved to dance, but with Clint's unpredictable job and my scheduled one, we rarely were able to do it. Tiredly, I glanced over at my tape player, which I hadn't turned on in three days. Usually it was on at least once a day, but life sometimes got in the way.
   Suddenly, Clint shot up off the couch and offered me a hand with a slight bow. "My lady, may I have this dance?"
   I grinned, realizing he had followed my gaze, and accepted his hand up. He pulled me up into his chest and instantly started to cha-cha around the coffee table with me in tow. I could help but laugh as I pulled away, making my way over to the tape player.
   "Hey, I thought we were dancing!" He objected.
   "You can't dance without music, goofball." I chided him playfully.
   "Huh, I thought we were doing pretty well." He crossed his arms and watched as I picked out a tape. Tucking it in the player and hitting the sideways triangle, I turned and saw he had moved the coffee table.
   Picking up from where it had left off, the tape player began playing 'Together Forever' loudly. I danced over to Clint and he grabbed my hands spinning me around twice before placing his hands on my hips and rocking the both of us back and forth to the upbeat tempo. His smile was as wide as mine as we playfully danced around the living room. He even grabbed my waist and lifted me in the air, spinning me around with the strength that came from missions and hours of training. I narrowed my eyes at him teasingly, but couldn't help but laugh as well. He set me down and stepped away.
   "Ready?" He asked, walking backwards over to the other side of the living room.
   "In here?" I protested.
   He winked at me and I took a quick breath before running towards him.    He grasped my waist when I came close enough and lifted me up above his head. My head was dangerously close to the wall, but we managed to pull it off. Instead of him setting me down, though, like in Dirty Dancing, I curled over his shoulder and sort of flipped down to my feet, kicking the wall slightly on accident. He turned and grinned widely at me.
   "Someday we're going to show that move off." He assured me. I grimaced and shook my head.
   "Has Steve even seen Dirty Dancing yet?" I questioned, still dancing slightly to the music. Clint shrugged.
   "The rest would get it, though." He tried again. I shook my head, though.
   "You know how I am with stress." I reminded him. "I'd fail it miserably."
   "I doubt it." He chuckled, grabbing my dancing hands again. "You do pretty well on your top-secret missions."
   I dropped my eyes, a small wave of guilt washing over me. I worked as an agent for Phil Coulson and I wasn't allowed to tell anyone, not even Clint. Surprisingly, my Avenger boyfriend was pretty good about it, knowing that the government lifestyle was full of secrets. I had promised him that I was who I said I was, though, so he didn't have to worry about me pulling off a wig and placing a gun on his chest. Coulson wouldn't make me do that.
   "You're thinking about a mission, aren't you?" He asked quietly, swaying us back and forth gently. I bobbed my head to the side slightly.
   "More about how you trust me." I admitted. He leaned in and kissed my nose gently. When he pulled away, though, there was something in his eyes. Warning. Something was wrong. His hand slipped behind me and pulled the gun from the drawer in the desk behind me and I nodded ever so slightly. Someone was too close for comfort.
   Spinning around and cocking the gun at the same time, Clint faced the windows. I yanked the pocket knife from my jean pocket and flipped it open as he turned. Then, I stepped out and brought my arm up, but I paused just before I threw it. Just outside the window stood a smirking Avenger with his arms crossed and his googles pushed up on his forehead. He opened the window, still smiling, and crouched to speak through the glassless space.
   "You two are adorable. Love the Dirty Dancing move, too." Sam told us, a small chuckle in his voice as he did. Putting my knife away, I dropped my forehead on Clint's shoulder and groaned. Clint let out a laugh and put his arm around me, patting my back.
   "I told you they'd like it." He whispered.
   "Shhh." I replied.
   Both Sam and Clint just laughed.

(Published August 20, 2021)

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