15. Arms (James 'Bucky' Barnes)

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(Published December 15, 2023)

   His familiar voice jolted me from my sleep.  I shot up into a sitting position, swiping my hand across my forehead to brush back the hair that flopped in front of my eyes.  Glancing at the door to my bedroom, I saw his familiar figure half hidden by the frame.  I managed a small smile and quickly climbed out of my cozy covers.  I gestured with my hand for him to approach me. 
   Bucky walked into the dim moonlight spilling in from my window.  He looked exhausted.  He was wearing plaid pajama pants with a white t-shirt, and his hair was a mess, likely matching mine in the terrifying category.  I reached out for him and he quickly stepped into my embrace.  He held me tightly, silently informing me that the nightmare had struck too close to home.  I hugged him back as tightly as I could, burying my face in his shoulder. 
   Sooner than I expected, he pulled away. 
   "You need sleep," He murmured. 
   "So do you."
   He didn't answer.  Instead he clambered into my bed and turned his back to the wall.  He held his arms open for me, waiting for me to join him.  I couldn't help but smile as I crawled under the blanket and settled down in his embrace.  Once I was comfy, I let out a contented sigh.  I tipped my face in his direction, using his shoulder as an extra pillow.  He draped his metal arm over me, letting his hand graze my side.  I could feel his eyes on me, though, and I knew he wasn't going to fall asleep right away. 
   "What are you staring at?" I whispered with a grin. 
   "You," He mumbled in the low voice that he used at night.  My heart skipped a beat at the sound of it. 
   "Whatever for?"
   "Because you're a mystery to me."
   This caught my attention.  I opened my eyes, but they had to adjust to the dark again for a moment before I could make out his expression.  He was gazing at me with his unreadable face on, the face I called his Winter Soldier Mode.  I knew how to bypass it, though. 
   "I'm flattered, but why do you say that?"
   He frowned.  "That's partially why.  You like being called mysterious, you avoid any relationships with normal human beings, you let me of all people invade your space, you...  You're a wonderful, frustrating mystery."
   "I'm not such a mystery, if you think about it," I began slowly, still trying to not be overjoyed that he called me wonderful.  "I simply prefer a simpler, older, quieter, more introverted soul.  You, my darling, have that very soul."
   "I'm a disaster."
   "Only in your eyes.  To me, you're the best friend I've ever had, and it's the only relationship I need."
   I gave him a soft smile before closing my eyes and snuggling closer to him.  He hugged me tighter for a moment, then relaxed his grip and sighed.  I knew he wasn't finished talking yet.  So, I waited, soaking in the feeling of being so near to him.  He seemed to be staying over more often lately, but I still made sure to cherish each night that he was here. 
   "That means that you don't have your eyes on anyone, right?"
   "Nope.  Why?"
   "Because," He hesitated. 
   I slid a little bit away from him so I could see his face again.  He had closed his eyes now, and he looked like he was battling himself on whether he should say something or not.  I gently brushed his hair back from his face with my fingers, hoping to help calm him a little.  He let his eyes slowly open, meeting my gaze with a hint of hope in his irises.  I smiled again, encouraging him to continue. 
   "Kathrine, would it be overstepping to ask if I could stay with you every night?"
   My smile grew and I shook my head. 
   "I'd like that.  I like sleeping in your arms, Bucky," I assured him. 
   "And it would just be sleeping.  We wouldn't, um-" He even blushed a little at the thought!  "Sleeping isn't even exactly safe, with my arm and all, but I'd be careful.  I won't hurt you, Kathrine, I swear."
   I propped my head up with my hand, cutting off his rambling with my movement.  Just like I had done the first time I had tried to calm him down after a nightmare, I ran my fingers over the shiny metal of his prosthetic arm.  He let out a shaky breath, obviously a little nervous about the whole thing.  I trailed my fingers down to his knuckles, then back up his arm, past his shoulder, and to his cheek.  There, I let my hand rest against his jawline. 
   "You are always welcome.  I love you, Bucky, you know that."
   "Is it wrong that I'm falling in love with you, too?" He squeezed his eyes shut.  "I don't deserve you."
   "Well, you got me either way, darling."
   He shifted, now gazing down at me with a small smile.  his next word came out so soft it was barely a whisper.
   I knew the meaning behind that one little word.  He had a dark past, many ghosts in his dreams, and a hard life.  He wasn't sure if he could trust me, but he was trying to.  He wanted me to confirm that I knew the risks, and that I wasn't planning on going anywhere.  I dropped my hand to his human one and entwined our fingers as best I could. 
   "I swear," I whispered back. 
   He smiled softly again.  Laying down on the pillow, he let out another sigh, this one sounding like a sigh of relief.  I curled back into his chest, my own smile stuck on my lips.  He wrapped both of his arms around me, holding close to him.  It felt right, like two puzzle pieces that finally found a match.  We were a good fit!

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