16. Alone (Harry Osborn)

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(Published April 5, 2024)

   My hands trembled a little as I pushed the key into the brass lock and turned it to the right.  I was still nervous about just walking into Harry's new apartment, even though he had assured me when he gave me the key that I was welcome any time.  Any normal day, I wouldn't dare to enter unannounced, but Peter Parker had practically begged me to check in on him.  So, here I was.  Taking a deep breath, I pushed the wooden front door open.  
   The apartment was almost entirely dark.  Only the kitchen light was on, giving the hallway just enough glow for me to see the doorways off of it.  I moved towards the first room, which was the living room.  Peeking inside, I found it impossible to see anything inside.  Only a small square on the floor was touched by the kitchen light, and my shadow ate up most of that.  The light blocking curtains were drawn, cancelling any beams that might try to get in from the city outside of the windows. 
   I turned, planning on checking the kitchen next.  A cough stopped me in my tracks.  It came from the darkness behind me, telling me exactly where my boyfriend was hiding.  Spinning on my heels, I took a step into the pitch black room.  
   Sounds of movement on the couch and the click of a lamp sounded as the room filled with a soft yellow light.  Just as I figured, Harry was sprawled on the leather couch.  He squinted as his eyes adjusted to the light.  He was still wearing a dress shirt with an untied bow tie draped around his neck and his black dress slacks.  
   "Hey Gina," He greeted softly.  
   I breathed out a small sigh of relief, glad he wasn't angry about me just showing up out of the blue.  Walking over to the couch, I sat down on the edge of a cushion next to his feet.  He tucked an arm behind his head as his eyes, which were now fully open, watched me closely.  
   "Hey you.  What are you doing laying in the living room in the dark?" I asked out of curiosity.  
   He shrugged.  "I just wanted to hide, I guess." 
   "Peter and I went to a party tonight...  There were so many people, and they all wanted to know what I'm going to do with Dad's business." He sighed, reaching his free hand out towards me.  "I just wanted to be alone for a while." 
   I took his hand, surprised at how cold my fingers were compared to his.  "I understand that.  Peter was worried about you, or I wouldn't have bothered you.  Sorry." 
   "I'm glad you came," He stated with a tiny half smile sneaking onto his face.  "I like being alone with you." 
   "Being alone usually means no company, you know this, right?" I teased.  
   "Not for me." He sat up, taking hold of my other hand as well.  
   I swung our hands side to side just a little bit, my eyes on them.  It was still hard for me to look him in the eyes, being the shy dork that I was.  His brown irises always seemed to me like they observed a lot more than he admitted.  Like he was in tune with those around him.  With that thought in mind, it always made me a little nervous when he stared into my own eyes.  It made me curious about how much he saw in them.  
   "I love you, Regina," He whispered so softly I almost didn't catch it.  
   "I love you, too." 
   Leaning forward, I gently touched my forehead to his.  His eyes slid closed as he smiled a little more.  I gave his hands a gentle squeeze before pulling mine out of his grasp and placing them around his neck.  His hands hesitated in the air before finally falling into his lap.  I found myself wishing he'd pull me into him or at least kiss me.  Trying to push those thoughts away, I tucked my face into the crook of his neck so I wouldn't be tempted to kiss him myself.  Turns out that just changed my kissing his lips fantasy into one that had me wanting to kiss his neck.  
   Fortunately, his hands moved to rest on my back, distracting me for a moment.  He shifted sideways, dropping his feet to the floor.  This made my position a little awkward, so I sat upright while keeping my arms over his shoulders.  His eyebrows fell a smidge as he stuck his bottom lip out in a slight pout.  
   "What?" I asked, trying not to laugh at the strange (for him) expression he was sporting.  
   "I liked you hugging me that way," He explained.  
   "Technically I am still hugging you."
   "Yes, but it's not the same." 
   "No, it's safer." 
   One eyebrow quirked up at that.  "What do you mean?" 
   "Nothing." I blushed, dropping my gaze again.  
   "C'mon, tell me," He murmured.  His finger slipped under my chin, lifting my face so I'd look at him.  "Tell me, Gina." 
   "Well, with my face that close to your neck..." I trailed off, unsure of how to word it so it didn't sound suggestive.  As a smirk graced his lips, I realized I had already failed at that.  
   "I like neck kisses, too."
   Groaning, I covered my face with my hands.  He chuckled, pulling me onto his lap.  Now that I was sitting sideways on top of him, I was once again in the perfect position to hide my face in his neck again.  I didn't even try to suppress the urge.  Leaning into him, I let my cheek find his shoulder.  He wrapped me in a tighter hug, his arms pulling me close to his chest.  It was a long moment before he spoke up again.  
   "You're such a tease." 
   I sat upright, surprised at his accusation.  "What?" 
   "You hint about kisses and then leave me wanting them." He smirked at me, his dark eyes twinkling.  
   "I'm not the only one with lips here," I joked as I gave his shoulder a gentle shove as my cheeks turned red with my blush.  
   He leaned his head back against the black couch as he laughed.  "No, but the saying does go "ladies first"." 
   "That doesn't apply here!" 
   "But it might." 
   "Will you be quiet?" 
   "Mmm, nope.  You'll have to make me." 
   I groaned once again, returning my head to it's spot on his shoulder.  His chuckles shook me a little as he laughed at my reaction.  We loved picking on each other, and he especially loved it when I blushed.  Still, I wasn't ready for his laughter to fade away yet.  As quickly as I could, I pressed a light kiss against his neck.  He was silent for a moment, probably waiting for more.  I was silent as well, waiting for a reaction.  Finally, his laughter sounded again.  
   "That's it," He growled between chuckles.  
   Gently, he pushed me off of his lap and down onto my back on the couch cushions.  I grinned at him as he laid down mostly next to me.  His upper body leaned across mine to bring his face near to mine.  He pressed a chaste kiss to my lips before mumbling against them.  
   "You should know better than to tease me, Gina." 
   "But it gets such a good reaction!" 
   I leaned away from him as best I could with my head on the couch arm so I could see his expression.  He smiled fondly down at me, brushing his fingertips across my hairline.  I smiled back as my own hands slid around him to rest on his back.  The flimsy dress shirt material let me feel his shoulder blades and spine easily, so I let my fingers slowly caress them.  He let out a contented sigh, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.  
   "What did I do to deserve you?" He asked in a whisper.  
   "You don't try to change people.  You just let them be who they are, even when they're dorks like me," I told him truthfully.  
   His eyes snapped open, instantly meeting mine.  "I love that you're a dork." 
   I simply smiled in response.  Moving slowly, I leaned up to press my lips to his again.  His hand slid up the back of my neck and his fingers entwined in my hair.  Our lips moved in sync, sliding against each other in a comfortable yet heart stopping way.  I drew my fingers gently down his spine as I pulled away from the kiss.  He wasn't done yet, pressing a kiss to my nose and my forehead in attempt to get me to return my lips to his.  I didn't.  Instead, I moved my mouth to his neck and began pressing soft kisses against the smooth skin there.  He hummed in appreciation, tilting his head to give me better access.  
   Too soon, I ran out of unkissed skin on his neck.  Once my lips had travelled every inch of it, I found myself moving to his jawline.  I slowed my kisses some, wanting to make the moment last longer.  He was insanely patient, letting me kiss each inch on his jawline at an incredibly slow pace.  That patience had worn out once I reached his chin, though.  He dropped his face, capturing my lips with his easily.  He kissed me hungrily, his lips pressing hard against my own.  His fingers withdrew from my hair, moving to the couch cushions to support himself as he leaned over me to kiss me at a better angle.  I kissed him back just as eagerly, my hands taking their place at the nape of his neck.  
   After what felt like only minutes, he pulled back to look me in the eye.  
   "I love you," I whispered again.  
   "I am infatuated with you, Gina." 
   Moving back over to his reclining position next to me, he settled down.  His head rested gently on my shoulder and his arms snaked around me to keep me close.  I hugged him back tightly, just glad to be alone with him.  After a moment of consideration, I reached up and turned off the lamp that sat on an end table near my head.  Darkness engulfed the room, leaving me and Harry to enjoy the feeling of each other's arms.  

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