7. The Endgame (Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver)

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   "This doesn't seem like death." I murmured as I lay on my back in the grass.
    Next to me was Pietro, flopped in a similar fashion. My eyes were half closed as I drank in the warm sunshine, completely contented despite the events that had just very recently happened.
   Thanos had won. With one snap of his fingers, he had turned half the population to ash, including myself, and sent us to what was supposedly our deaths. Somehow I couldn't hate him for it, though. Even though I knew that this place wasn't Earth, that it wasn't home, it was so much nicer here! Less crowded, less anger, and best of all, I had Pietro by my side.
   "Not anymore." Pietro replied quietly, his hand brushing mine.
    I couldn't tell if it was accidental or not, so I chose to not comment or act on it. We had been technically dating before he had been shot and killed, but neither of us were very confident in it and I didn't want to test his comfort zone, not even now.
   After a few more moments of silence, Pietro spoke up. "It's funny; everyone on Earth is always trying to leave it and to be better and bigger. I've been here for a while now and there's none of that. Even though we know we're dead, we're content with what we have. We don't want to leave."
   "Some parts of life did kind of suck, didn't they." I let out a small laugh.
   "Do you have any regrets?" He asked.
   "I'm not sure. I don't think so." I thought for a minute, searching my past.
   "I have only one." He admitted. "I wish I would've been more of a boyfriend than I was for you."
   Sitting up, I turned to face him. "I don't. I didn't want a boyfriend or a romance; I needed a friend and a partner, and you filled that role perfectly."
   "So you never had any romantic feelings for me at all?" He asked, looking slightly worried.
   "I never said that." I mumbled, blushing slightly. And with that, he cautiously took my hand and in response I gave his a little squeeze.
   About an hour later, Pietro and I were walking down the path back to the village, still hand in hand. I was more than content with this; I was overjoyed! Somehow I knew it'd come to an end, though. At that moment, something inside me felt wrong in a familiar way. I came to an abrupt stop and Pietro turned to look at me with question in his eyes. That soon faded and became disappointment.
   "They've undone it." He whispered.
   I didn't want to go back very badly, but I didn't have a choice.
    "I'll be back." I promised as I felt myself slowly turning to ash once again.
   "I'll wait. Don't hurry, love." He said quietly, looking directly into my eyes as it happened.

*About a minute later*

   "They're all back!"
   Suddenly, I found myself in a tight embrace from a familiar woman. Wanda Maximoff's arms squeezed me tightly before she pulled back and smiled widely at me, her eyes brimming with tears.
   "We did it." She said quietly.
   "That was quick." I commented, smiling back.
   "Actually, it's been five years." Clint Barton told me. "It took a little while."
   I shrugged, knowing that I hadn't missed much. "Glad to be back!"
   As I walked away with my friends, though, something felt off. Like I was forgetting something; something important. I couldn't quite pin point it, though, and I decided to brush it off. Either it'd come back or it wouldn't; there was no use in worrying about it. For now, I could simply enjoy the life that was returned to me!

(Published August 27, 2021)

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