shg day 7: four-two, four-two, five-six-four

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This one is the most brutal by far. I had to take two screenshots just to cover the Fallen Tributes section. So without further ado, let's go!

 So without further ado, let's go!

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Last time, we ended with twelve tributes still in the game

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Last time, we ended with twelve tributes still in the game. Now, only five tributes remain!

D, the warrior dragon protagonist from a Flash game no one knows about who, unsurprisingly, has the most kills so far.

Banana, my writing inspiration who has the second most kills so far and is one of the only two real-life contestants left.

Fan, the #1 fan who finally grew whatever the object variant of a pair is and killed someone today.


And Ellie, the universally recognizable prominent female character from the Henry Stickmin Collection who's made it this far without killing anyone.

Now that you've met your five remaining tributes, stick around to find out which one of them will walk out alive in the finale. I'll see you in the next one.

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