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(Archive of an announcement I made on my message board on the 1st of June, 2022)

All right, I just realized something and I need you guys to hold me accountable. I gave myself an ultimatum just now: if I want to continue work on B.F.D. High, then I literally HAVE to finish the side project. Things keeping me from doing that: 

• I have four other draft fanfic books sitting in my profile that came out of literally nowhere and will probably never be completed.
• I've written challenges for WTFORC all the way up to Round 13.
• I've been working on music projects like Vs. Molly.
• I've started playing more video games and watching YouTube. 

My dilemma is that I want to work on B.F.D. High and the side project again SO BADLY. I just CAN'T FOCUS. (Also, real life exists, but let's not worry about that right now.) 

The mere act of typing this has somewhat restored my motivation to work on the side project, which was kinda the whole point and definitely good since I apparently have not touched it since March 12 (yes, you can yell at me for that, because I am, too). But I need to go to sleep now because I've been tired all day. 

I'm gonna be honest, I actually have no clue what I want you guys to do as a result of my telling you this. But I know for a fact that if I don't put this information out there for you guys to see, then the side project will never get finished and B.F.D. High will be stuck on Chapter 43 forever.

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