The stock syringe gun does its job of sucking at direct combat but does a good job of being a viable last-resort against-the-wall self-defense weapon. It's obviously gotta be bad to discourage the Medic from using it in favor of the Medi Gun, but it's not garbage enough to not be able to kill a Spy when you need to.
The Blutsauger
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I don't think the Blutsauger's broken or unusable by any means; I think it's fine where it is. However, if I had to change it, this is what I'd do:
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The Blutsauger trades Medic's general survivability for more combat capability. The problem with Medic, though, is that he shouldn't be engaging in combat at all—and when he does, the Syringe Gun's 3 HP/s outclasses the Blutsauger's 1 nine times out of ten because most people can't hit syringes anyway.
The first change I wrote, "–2 health regenerated per second while active", gives Medic that general survivability back while he's healing and doing normal Medic stuff. The decreased health regeneration only comes into play if you pull it out, meaning it's riskier to fight with this thing. In addition, the increased holster/deploy speed makes switching to and from this weapon even harder to prevent people from quick switching and getting the on-hit benefits without dealing with the reduced health regeneration. Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds like I'm making the Blutsauger a less viable weapon.
I cannot stress enough how much Medic should NOT be in combat if he can avoid it. YOU NEED TO HEAL PEOPLE. Let your teammates do the fighting.
The Overdose
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