Chapter 11: In this together?

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Amy immediately ran outside to find Ty.

"TY!" she Yelled.

Ty turned around at the sound of Amy's voice.

"What did my dad say to you?" Asked Amy.

"I'm so tired right now I don't remember his exact words, but it was something along the lines of how terrible I am for letting my mom watch Lyndy and how everything she's going through right now is my fault and how I shouldn't be trusted with her," said Ty.

" oh man, I'm starting to wish there was a law where every married person could punch their in-laws once in life without consequences. We would both benefit from that at this moment," said Amy trying to lighten the mood.

" unfortunately, if you want to punch your in-laws, you have to what is the possibility of going to jail," said Ty.

" damn it, I'm not made for jail," said Amy.

" no, no, you are not," said Ty smiling

" come on; we have to go talk to the doctor. He's been waiting for us," said Amy.

5 minutes later.

"Unfortunate, Your daughter is deaf," said the doctor solemnly.

" and it's permanent?" Asked Amy on the Verge of Tears.

" yes," said the doctor.

" what can we do?" Asked Ty.

" well, that's up to you as the parents, but I recommend getting her into sign language classes and getting her hearing aids as soon as possible," said the doctor.

That was when Amy bursted into tears.

" I'll give you some time," said the doctor

" thank you," said Ty.

After the doctor left, he turned to Amy.

" it's okay, it's going to be okay," said Ty hugging her tightly.

" How is it going to be okay? Everything is so messed up our daughter is deaf our marriage is on the rocks, and this wouldn't if I would have just come with you guys instead of staying behind to work with the stupid horses," said Amy.

" Amy, sweetie, breathe. You had to work; I have left you at home with Lyndy countless times, nothing you could have done, and Lyndy will be fine. Her life will be a little bit different and a little bit harder. We're going to be with her every single step of the way and do whatever we can. We're in this together," said Ty calmly.

" are we? Asked Amy softly.

" We are," said Ty kissing Amy's head softly.


To be continued... 

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