Again? Chapter 21

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Lyndy then came running into Ty and Amy's room.

" Mommy, Daddy! Can Luke please come over?" Lyndy asked

" I don't know Lyndy, mommy is sick." Ty said

" Please? We will be quiet. We will even play outside." Lyndy said

Ty looked at Amy.

" It's up to you Amy." Ty said

" Oh ok. He can come over for a little while." Amy said

" Yay!! Thank You mommy! Thank You daddy!" Lyndy said running out of the room.

" Ty, can you keep an eye on them while I take a nap?" Amy said yawning

" Yeah I can do that. Just call me Amy if you need anything." Ty said kissing Amy on the forehead.

" Ok, I will." Amy said falling asleep

45 minutes later Luke was at Heartland and they were all outside playing with chalk.

Amy gets up and goes outside. She walks out to Lyndy sitting on Ty's lap and Luke sitting beside him. They were drawing with chalk.
Amy had a warm smile on her face and walked back inside to make a cup of tea.

10 minutes later Ty, Lyndy, and Luke come back inside.

" Hey Babe, I didn't know you were up." Ty said grabbing a couple of juice boxes from the fridge.

" Yeah, I even saw you guys playing with the chalk. You guys were so cute." Amy said

Lyndy then came running into the kitchen.

" Mommy, Daddy, can Luke please stay for dinner? Please please?" Lyndy said pleading

" Oh alright, as long as his mom doesn't have anything plan." Amy and Ty said

" Hey I will call Andrea to ask her." Ty said pulling out his phone

Ty calls Andrea and she says that it's fine if Luke stays for dinner.

" Ok, I will tell Lou to set another place." Amy said

Later that night everyone is sitting at the table besides Lou.

" Where is Lou,? I am getting hungry." Tim said

" Well you know you can eat your own food at your own house." Jack said

Lou then came out with the food.

" I hope you are in the mood for" Lou said

Then she set the plate on the table

Amy, Ty, and Lyndy saw what was on the table.

They got up and Luke followed them.
They ended up going to maggies.

" Guys what's wrong with Tofu?" Lou asked

" Guys?" - Lou


Hey guys it's Kaelyn the other author of the story AKA kaelynhalyk I just wanted to say a huge thank you to all love you for taking the time to read this collab between @heartland_fam07 it's been so much fun writing this story with someone as talented as her and I sincerely hope we can do it again sometime -kaylen

Hey guys I hope you really liked this story. It was really fun to work with Kaylen on this story. I hope we do it again soon. -heartland_fam07

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