I Quit

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Two years... thats how long Ray has been working at his job. Never once did he enjoy it. The pay was horrible and the managers treated the workers like crap.

The only reason Ray worked there was to get out of his house. His mom wasn't necessarily abusive it was just hard to deal with her most of the time and he needed some space.

Now here he was 6am signing In to his computer to start his long work day. He was sitting at his desk filling out some paperwork when his supervisor walked into the office angered. "Is something wrong sir" Ray asked trying to be polite. 

The man just shot Ray a glare and continued walking away. Ray rolled his eyes and continued working.

It was around lunch time when him and his coworkers were sitting in the break room talking. His friend Emma came up to him with a smile. "Hey Ray have you heard the famous model Norman is coming to check out are company's products".

Ray nodded. The place he worked for made perfumes and clothing so it would be fitting for a model to advertise them but they only got small unpopular models. They never had anyone really famous advertise them.

"Thats cool I guess but its not making are lives any easier ". Emma nodded. She also had to deal with alot of crap from her supervisor.

"Yeah boss came into my office today and started yelling at me for no reason and he looked really stressed". Emma explained and Ray nodded. "Same with me except my boss didn't say a word to me he just ignored me".

They both had wanted to quit are jobs badly but because the company is starting to get more popular there bosses were trying to get us to stay by coming up with lies that they'd pay better.

"What time do you think he's supposed to come"? Ray asked Emma and she shrugged. "Sometime this afternoon I don't know for sure when but around 3".  "So we both will still be working when he comes".

Emma nodded and had a big smile. "I hope I get to at least see him but if I were able to actually talk to him I think I would die of happiness ".

Ray chuckled. "Dont let Gilda hear you or she might get jealous ". Emma and ray both laughed and continued talking until a boss walked into the room and started yelling.


"But boss its lunch break right now" one other person said.


Rays pov

after that statement about 3 people grabbed there stuff and left saying its over and that they quit. I looked to
my side and saw Emma fuming with anger so I put my hand on her shoulder to calm her down a bit.

After the disaster at lunch I went back to my office and started working again. A few hours passed and I saw the clock said 2:30. "So he'll be here soon". I said to myself.

Just then a few other people came into my office and told me goodbye and said they were quiting. Jezz that's about 8 people just today. I told them goodbye and wishes them well. I know how much of a hell this place is so I try to be polite to everyone.

3:00 hit and I was almost done with my stack of papers. My desk was near the front door so I saw everyone who came in and out of the building but most of the time they don't see me. I saw a small group of supervisers walk up to the doors and open it for someone. That someone had plain white hair and bright blue eyes. Norman.

The suervisers were greeting him and shaking his hand when I noticed a girl with orange hair run past them and into my office. The supervisors noticed her and one was coming to follow her into my office.

"Ray I can't take this anymore". Emma cried to me. I got off my chair and met her at the door. She ran into my arms and I hugged her. I saw the supervisor walk in. I pulled Emma to the corner so it was harder for the other supervisors and Norman to see us.

"Mrs Emma what the hell is wrong with you just running in the lobby like that especially when Norman is right there".

"WELL MAYBE THAT WOULDENT OF HAPPEND IF YOU TREATED YOUR WORKERS LIKE HUMANS AND NOT SLAVES" Emma screamed at him. I tried calming her down but she just kept yelling about how bad this place was.

"YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU FUCK THIS PLACE IM OUT I QUIT". Emma grabbed my hand and dragged me out of my office. She them dragged me across the lobby were Norman and the other supervisors were. "FUCK ALL OF YOU except you normanBUT FUCK ALL OF YOU I QUIT FROM THIS HELL HOLE AND IM TAKING RAY WITH ME".

Emma is much stronger then I am so there was no use in fighting so I let her just drag me around. I saw normans face of concern and confusion. I mouthed a sorry to him and then got dragged away by Emma.

We were in Emmas office packing her stuff. A few people came in to either wish her and I goodbye or to try to get her and I to stay but Emmas mind was made up. She was leaving and taking me with her.

"I'm sorry I just dragged you ray I was just so mad and I know this place has been bad for you to so I just wanted to get us both out" Emma apologized while packing her last belongings into a box.

"Its fine I wanted to quit for awhile now and I just wanted to hope things got better but I see they never will". Emma nodded and picked up a box. I picked up a box and opened the door. We packed all of emmas stuff and now it was on to my office. Norman and the supervisors were gone now so that made things alot simpler.

We packed up my stuff and we heard the door open. I looked up to see blue eyes staring at me. "Oh Norman I'm sorry if me and my friend made your welcome uncomfortable but we have quit now so you don't have to worry about us" I said with a nervous smile.  When Emma saw him she almost screamed but she bit her hand instead.

Normans eyes widened when he saw what Emma did. "Um are you ok miss".

"Nah she's fine she's just a fan". I said and Emma nodded quickly. Norman smiled and nodded. "Anyway I'm not here to criticizing you I just wanted to know why you both quit today".

Emma and I both sighed and started to explain all the things that really happened here and all the rude things are supervisors said to us.

"I'm sorry you went through that and I think you should know that I do not plan on sponsoring this company anymore". Emma and I both smiled and nodded. "I'm kinda upset that you didn't tell me this was happening to you though ray" Norman said and Emma looked at me suspicious. 

"Um Norman she dosnt know" I said blushing a bit and Norman smiled to Emma. "You see miss Ray and I have been dating for 2 years now".

Emmas jaw dropped and I was a blushing mess as Norman snickered. "Ray" Emma said after a minute of silence. "Y-yes emma". I said scared of what she was going to do now knowing that I was dating a model".


Norman giggled as Emma yelled at me.

I was at home my head on normans chest as he played with my hair. "So what are you ganna do now that you quit"? Norman asked and I shrugged. "If you want you can try to become a model like me. You are quit beautiful ". I blushed at his words and shrugged again. 

"Maybe but I think ill take a small break for now your all I need"

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