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Rays pov

Its loud

To loud

I grabbed my bag and pulled out my phone and my headphones. I put them in my ears and turned on my Playlist.

The sound of the music drowned out the sound of the people surrounding me. I walked to my class, head down, hands in pocket, unnoticed.

I went inside my class and sat in the back. I closed my eyes and put my head on the desk. My head hurt. The sound of people hurt.

I kept my eyes shut trying to sooth the throbing pain in my head.

Normans pov

I walked into class and sat down. Everyone was talking about the dance coming up. People were asking others to go out with them while others gossip about whether or not they were going to get asked out or going to ask someone else.

A few people asked me but I declined everyone of them. I had my eyes on someone already. That boy that sits in the back of class with headphones on. I think I heard his name is ray. I barely ever see him mostly just in class.

The teacher told us to quite down so he could teach. He told us we were ganna do a partner project and we could pick are partner.

I saw people looking at each other talking through there eyes that they want to be groups. Ray didn't move. He kept his head down and headphones on.

I got up and walked over to rays desk. When I got to him I saw him turn his head a bit to me so he could see me and I smiled at him.

"Hi there do you wanna be partners"?

Ray shrugged and sat up a little bit more. "So is that a yes"? Ray nodded and scooted his chair over so I can sit down. "Thank you".

Ray shrugged and I sat down next to him. "so what do you want to do"? Ray shrugged agin and told me to decide.

"Um how about we do it about Greek gods. Dose that sound ok"? Ray shrugged agin so I took that as a yes.

I pulled out some paper and started writing a few Greek god names to start. "You don't talk much are you shy"? I tried talking to him but all he did was shrug. Maybe he couldn't here me with his headphones in.

"Do you want to take your headphones off. We could hear each other better if you do"?

Ray sighed and took his headphones off. Now talking to him was a bit easier but he seemed really uncomfortable. "I'm ganna go to the bathroom can you take over for a bit"? Ray shrugged and I left. When I came back though I saw Ray with his head down barely any work done while I was gone.

I walked over kind of angry. I thought he was just shy and didn't want to write with me around since he dosnt know me but this is geting irritating.

"Why didn't you do anything while I was gone"? Ray didn't move he just kept his head down. "Are you even listening to me. Do you have those stupid headphones in again"? Still he didn't move.

"What is your problem"? The bell rang and I thought Ray would leave but he still didn't move. Everyone was slowly leaving the class room but he didn't move. The teacher noticed and walked over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Ray are you ok do you need to go to the nurse"?

Ray didn't move he kept his head down. Until I saw him shake a little Like he was shivering. The teacher tried talking to ray agin but no response just small almost unnoticeable shaking. Was he crying.

"Norman put one of rays arms around your shoulder we need to take him to the nurses office". I nodded and grabbed one of his arms. When I removed his arm from his face I noticed he had tears streaming down his face. His eyes were closed and headphones covered his ears. He didn't have them attached to his phone so they were just there blocking some sound.

"Ray you should've told me it got this bad I would've had you leave earlier" the teacher said grabing his other arm. We picked him up and he hung onto are shoulders.

We brought him to the nurses office and the nurse brought him to a bed and told the teacher and I to leave.

I wonder what happened.

A few days later Ray and I didn't talk about what happened. In fact we never spoke. I did alot of work on the project but I couldn't finish it in time. The teacher was passing out grades. I bet I got a 50% on it. When she handed me my grade I was shocked. 100% how? I didn't even finish.

She handed me the project and I saw the parts I didn't finish were done by someone else.

"Ray was your partner right"? The teacher asked and I nodded looking over to his seat were he sat with headphones in and head down.

"He came in after school and finished it for you. He said he felt bad that he couldn't do it in class". I nodded and thanked the teacher. He left and I smiled. I guess Ray was trying even if I didn't see.

After class I went to my locker and when I opened it a note fell out.


Sorry for not doing much on the project and forcing you to help me.


It was short but I could tell he felt bad for what happened.

I put the note in my pocket and when to lunch. I didnt see him anywere in the lunchroom so I went outside and saw him sitting under a tree headphones on.

I walked over to him. I didn't say anything I just sat next to him. He looked up a little bit to look at me but when he realized it was just me he looked back down.

"So are you feeling ok"? He nodded and took his headphones off. "Can you tell me what happned"? He shrugged and said nothing. I took that as he didn't want to talk about it.

We sat in silence for awhile the only sound was the breeze passing us. "I get migraines alot". I looked over and saw Ray looking at me. He actually answered me with words.

"I'm sorry are you ok now though"? Ray nodded. "Normally the sound of a person talking makes it worse...but for some reason your voice is ok... in fact...it makes things better...".

Ray blushed and looked away. I blushed as well but smiled. "I'm glad... I really like you alot you know". Ray looked at me shocked and looked away again.  "I um like you to".

I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm guessing because of the headaches you won't be going to the dance so how do you feel about coming to my place to watch  movie"?

Ray smiled at me then nodded. "Sure that sounds like fun". He leaned his head on my shoulder and put his headphones in. Exept he put one in my ear and the other in his.

For the rest of lunch we sat like that and listened to music. Some of rays songs weren't my style but it still was nice sitting with him. I can't wait to have a movie night with Ray.

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