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1. Normans room is messy. Its not like he doesn't like to clean he just gets so distracted by what he's doing he just forgets almost everything around him.

2. Ray hates normans messy room. He's not like clean freak but he much prefers things to be neat. Sometimes Norman will leave then come back to his room being almost spotless.

3. MOVIE NIGHTS. Every Friday Norman and Ray have a movie night and if one ends up having to skip they can expect the silent treatment.

4. When Norman has nightmares about lambda Ray will hum or sing to him.

5. Ray is a great cook but Norman isn't. One time Norman tried making dinner for Ray after a bad day but ended up almost burning the house down. Surprisingly Ray wasn't mad Insted he burst out laughing and helped Norman make dinner.

6. Ray dosnt want pets but animals end up loving him more then Norman. Norman will beg Ray to keep an animal but the animal will like Ray more then Norman.

7. They end up adopting 2 kids.

8. Ray has a timer on his phone for when he asks Norman for cuddles.

9.  Ray would drink energy drinks so much Norman had to hide all of them and once a day put one were he would find so Ray dosnt give himself a heart attack.

10. Norman forgets to eat sometimes so Ray has to drag him away from his work and force him to eat.

11 Ray loves stuffed animals even if he won't admit it. He has like 5 stuffed animals he cuddles with if Norman isn't around. Norman cought him sleeping with like 20 one day when they were kids.

12 bottom Ray supremacy. Ray tries to be the dominant of the relationship but he gets so flustered he just can't keep up the act. Norman thinks its cute when he tries to though.

13 Emma being best girl. Norman and Ray always ask Emma for help if they ever have trouble with each other. When they were trying to confess to each other they both asked Emma for help and Emma just thought it was hilarious how dense the to were.

14 Norman asked Ray out first but ray said I love you first.

15 Ray dosnt get sick often but when he does he's super clingy. If Norman isn't within touching range he will get out of bed and fallow Norman around no matter how bad he feels. He did that with Norman when he was younger and Isabella had to almost strap him to the bed so he would stay put.

16 Ray is a great artist. Norman and Ray used to draw together at the orphanage but rays drawing were alway better then normans.

17 Norman likes poetry. He wrote Ray like 1000 love letters all as poems even though they were alredy dating. 

18 they fought over which color they should pint there house. Ray wanted lavender while Norman wanted light blue. There house is light gray.

19 one time Emma tried puting rays hair up to show his face and Norman walked in and lest just say norman had a nose bleed.

20 yuugo is #2 fan next to Emma. When he found out Norman and Ray were dating he pulled Norman aside and gave him a 'if you hurt my son ill kill you' speech. He denies that it ever happened but let's be honest. Yuugo is a dad.

21 when Ray and Norman were kids Norman would once in a while steal one of rays shirts but when they got older Norman grew taller then Ray so Ray would steal normans clothes.

22 after Ray found out Norman was alive he wouldent let Norman out of his sight for awhile. He acted like he was fine but when Norman said he was ganna leave Ray begged him to stay longer.

23 Ray is a cat person and Norman is a dog person.

24 Emma gets married before the two and that is what gives Norman the motivation to ask Ray to marry him. He didn't ask at the wedding he asked a month later.

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