the perfect person

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(Tw this includes body shaming).

Norman was walking home from going shoping a bag in has hand. The bag contained a current outfit he had bought for his boy friend in hopes they could do some 'activities'.

Once he got threw the front door he noticed the apartment they shared was quiet. "Ray must still be at work" Norman mumbled to himself as he went into there shared bedroom and pulled the outfit out of the bag and laid it on the bed. After that he went to the living room with a book and decided to wait for his lover to come home.

Rays pov

I was coming back home from work when I decided I was hungry so I went to a fast food restaurant for a quick snack.

As I walked threw the restaurant doors I saw a tall man in line ordering. I went up behind him in line and waited. Once he noticed me he scuffed and looked away.

"Um sir do you have a problem with me" I asked with a glare. "Yeah I do" he answered glaring back. "Your to small to be eating at a place like this. I mean look at you your a fucking stick".

I was a bit shocked at what he said. I thought I was average weight. The person at the counter handed the man his bag of food but he shoved it in my hands. "You have this. I feel bad for you. I mean who would wanna marry a stupid stick. Get out of here your disgusting".

The man left and i left soon after. As I was walking home I  looked into one of the store windows to see my reflection. "Was he right am I really to skinny. Dose Norman not love me. Am I to small for Norman to love me". Those thoughts raced threw my mind making me want to cry.

When I got home I put on my best 'I'm ok' look and walked in. I saw Norman sitting on the couch reading so I smiled and put the bag of food down then sat next to him.

"Oh I didn't hear you come in. Welco.e home Ray" he said with his gentle smile. "Yeah sorry I didn't announce myself but I got food". Norman smiled then when he saw the fast food bag he rolled his eyes.

"Ray you know fast food isn't healthy for you". I whinned and Norman chuckled. "We can have the fast food but we have to have a salad as well". I whinned again and put my head on normans lap.

"But salads gross. It practically eating a bunch of leaves". Norman shook his head and smiled. "Its not gross its healthy and it will help you stay healthy so you don't get sick or overweight". Those words struck me a little. Did Norman tell me I was fat or getting there. Great first I get called a stick by a stranger now I get called fat by my lover.

Norman got up and started preparing the food and I just sat on the couch thinking about what him and the man said.

How long has Norman thought I was fat. Is he grossed out by me. Did he mean what he said or am I just overthinking this.

"My love the food is ready" Norman called and I got up. We both grabbed are plates and sat down.

Should I eat everything on the plate or do I only eat a little bit and say I'm full. Do I listen to what the man said or do I listen to what Norman said. "Love are you ok your just staring at you food and not eating". Norman cut off my thoughts.

"Um actually I'm not really that hungry so ill put this in a bowl and eat later". I decided toisten to Norman. The stranger dosnt know me like Norman knows me so he must be right.

"Um ok if you want I just thought you were hungry" Norman said with a confused look. "Nah I'm good ill just eat later". I answered. Norman nodded and as I was about to stand up from my chair he grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to him. He kissed me then whispers in my ear. "Go to are room ill meet you in a minute".

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