But I...

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I looked over my chocolates. It was Valentine's Day and everyone was in the living room of the Borrow looking at the chocolates and reading notes and thanking each other. I read Harry's heart shaped card that said
Roses are red, violets are blue, cookies are sweet and so are you.
Love from,

I smiled and quickly put the card away before Ginny saw what was written on it. Then I found Ron's chocolates. There was the largest portion out of all of them and there was a note from him
Love you sweetie.
Love you always, Ron

Then I remembered. Dang it! Ron likes me! I forgot. That means that it is even worse than I thought it was. I forgot that Ron had actually considered me as his girlfriend during the war. I think I should tell him soon that to me, that kiss doesn't mean anything anymore. That is like a past dream. Nothing happened. That did not exist. But with Harry, even though it was a quick one, to me it meant "Forever and Always". But Ron... No way... Oh dear.

Harry then smiled at me and held up the box of chocolate and the note I wrote. Dang it! He knew it was me. And he came over to me and talked to me.

"Mione, I know it was you that gave me all those chocolates even though you sent them by owl post. I had no idea you liked me" He said

"I'm sorry Harry I don't want this to ruin our friendship." I replied

"Why, is something wrong?" Harry asked, the smile fading from his face.

"Harry I loved and still do love you. But Ron fancies me and Ginny fancies you, and you like Cho. So I don't want this to ruin it all. I'm not worth hurting all those people just so I can be with you."

"Mione, Cho told me that she is engaged so I can't be with her. I acted like I was ok with it but I wasn't. Look, and I was wondering about Ginny. I know she loves me but right now she's going out with someone I think Seamus Finnigan. I know that even though she is trying to keep it a secret from me." Harry said

I looked at him in awe. Then I said "Are you saying..."

And Harry interrupted me saying "I like you too Hermione. Will you be my girlfriend?"

And I said "Yes" and we embraced

Then we went over to George and Charlie and told the news. They both said " that's great guys!"

Charlie told Harry " Good job mate." While George talked to me about how I finally got love untangled. I smiled happy.

Then Ron and Ginny came over and heard the news. Ginny just burst into tears and ran to her room and the Ron looked at me awestruck. He said in horror "Bloody hell Hermione, stop scaring me!" He cried.

"But we are not Ronald this is real." I replied.

"But I love you!" He cried.

"Oh is that so? Really? Because you sure didn't act like it. HE stayed loyal to me, and HE has showed me he cares about me all those years. So I am HIS not YOURS. And I am now his girlfriend."

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~ Kohaku✌️

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