Chapter 4

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The first week of school at Hexside flew by for Hunter. He quickly grew comfortable around his classmates, wasn't afraid to approach new people, and had a lot of fun teasing Edric for the mishap in the hallway.
Every day, he'd come home and need some time to himself and decompress, since he still felt a little anxious being in public so much. He knew that he was in no immediate danger, but sometimes he had a sinking feeling that something wasn't quite right.
Maybe it was the way that some did a double-take when they first noticed the massive scar across his cheek, or how the bags under his eyes never seemed to fade, another reason to stare.
Fortunately, the feeling went away after a nap every afternoon, then he'd head down to the kitchen to do homework with Luz, feeling refreshed and confident and safe once more.

Things were going so smoothly, in fact, that Hunter didn't even think about any consequences for being out in the open besides anxiety, until the seventh day at Hexside.


Hunter was sitting in his Intro to Healing class, taking rather extensive notes, when an announcement came onto the loudspeaker.

"Students and faculty of Hexside, this is Principal Bump speaking."
Bump's voice crackled over the speaker.
"I have recently spoken to an official from the Emperor's Coven, and she would like to deliver a message to the school population personally. Witches, demons and staff: Kikimora."

Hunter heard fumbling as Bump rose from his seat and adjusted the speaker for Kikimora.

"Hello, dear children of the Titan," she began.

The mere sound of Kikimora's voice made Hunter's heart rate start to increase.

"I am speaking on behalf of Emperor Belos. Any and all information on the whereabouts of the Golden Guard should be reported to the Emperor's Coven immediately upon discovery."

Hunter's breath hitched and his eyes darted around the room. All of the students sat completely still, dumbfounded by the announcement.

"The punishment for withholding such information from the Emperor will be... severe. I have no doubt that the Hexside community will remain loyal to Emperor Belos. Good day."
The loudspeaker shut off and the classroom bubbled over with rumbling conversation and whispers.

The Golden Guard?!
I thought he died...

Hunter felt his scroll buzz in his pocket.

LUZ: Don't worry. I've got your back. So does Amity
LUZ: BTW, moonlight conjuring at Blight Manor 2nite. Em invited us :-)

Hunter knew that Luz would never blow his cover-- neither would Amity. All he had to do was lay low and hide his staff in the Owl House. He never left with it, it stayed hidden in Eda's secret armory.
Actually, he hadn't used that staff since his escape. He and Rascal had formed a stronger bond to learn magic together.

He took a deep breath when the teacher finally reigned in the outrageous energy of the classroom, and he tried to push any intrusive Emperor thoughts to the back of his mind.
Hunter had things to look forward to: being in perfect disguise AND a moonlight conjuring.

No fear. Another deep breath. Hunter resumed his notetaking and tried to pay attention, but admittedly had some trouble concentrating.


"Have fun, kids, and don't get Hooty involved tonight!" Eda called out to Hunter and Luz as they left for their walk to Blight Manor.

"Hooty?" Hunter asked, and Luz shook her head.
"Long story, bro. Don't worry."

Hunter shrugged as they made their way through the woods. They walked mostly in silence, enjoying the gentle sounds of the forest as twilight began to engulf the trees in darkness.

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