Chapter 10

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Edric and Emira both tried their best to fall asleep, but it was clear that there would not be much rest that night.
Emira's mind was racing with thoughts of doubt, self-deprecation, and fear.
Edric was the same, but he was also occupied with the empty hope that Hunter would show up at their door and take him home. He'd go up on his tiptoes to try and reach Edric's face, but would fall short and kiss him on the chin.
Ed was trying to stay strong for both of the twins, but he couldn't shake the feeling that maybe their mother had fucked up for good this time.
Usually they could get out of any punishment, or withstand her anger. But this was different, it felt permanent. The way that the coven members looked at the twins that night at dinner and described their "overwhelming potential" and "immature, but malleable demeanor" made Ed sick to his stomach.
Maybe there was no way out this time, maybe they were doomed to the Emperor's Coven.
They sat in silence for a few more minutes, desperate for sleep to take over, so they would not dare utter a word about their fears, until they heard a tapping at the window.

The twins shot upright, and Emira stumbled in the dark to the curtain, throwing it open. Edric stood on the bed, ready to cast a spell at any moment.

They were met with the face of a certain blonde, eyebrows pulled together with concern and concentration. Behind him was Luz, clutching his waist.
They climbed through the window and Luz tapped a piece of paper, creating a ball of soft yellow light.
"Hunter, you are the most unhinged flier I've ever met, and I've even flown with Eda." Luz muttered, patting down her windswept hair.
Hunter waved her off and looked the twins up and down. They were still dressed in their clothes from earlier that day, but stood barefoot.

"We're okay. No one hurt us." Emira said immediately to reassure their rescuers, and she watched as an ounce of fear left their faces.
"Yeah. Apparently our mom had an order made to send us to the castle for some kind of reconditioning. That we were a bad influence to Amity, or something. And that we needed to be more like adults." Edric scoffed, then his face fell. "She really just thought we were little kids with nothing to live for but her."
Hunter threw his arms around Edric, sighing loudly at the relief of hugging his boyfriend.
"I'm so sorry."
He looked over at Emira, smiling warmly.
They broke apart, but they still held each other's forearms. "This day has been out to get us, hasn't it?" Edric said, laughing quietly.

Hunter frowned. "Sure. But we don't have a lot of time. The guards are switching shifts right now, so we have exactly 2 minutes left before they walk around this side of the castle again."

He stood back, gathering Luz and Emira into a huddle.

"Em, Ed, make clones of yourselves and make them go to sleep. I'm going to teleport you down to the edge of the grounds, and you need to RUN."

Edric's eyebrows pulled together with concern as he drew a circle with his finger, commanding the illusion to lie down. Emira's clone was already fast asleep.

"Don't worry," Hunter reassured. "Me, Luz, and Rascal will fly over and catch up to you. I'd do this all at once, but I'm not used to magic... I can only teleport 1 other person at once."

Luz straightened her back, grabbing Ed and Em's hands. "That's okay. Em, you first."
Hunter hugged Emira, then grabbed Rascal in their staff form and they disappeared in a flash of bright yellow.
Edric and Luz held their breaths until they saw Hunter reappear, panting.
"Ed, ready?"
He wrapped his arm around Edric's waist, kissing him before they disappeared, leaving Luz for a moment.
This was too easy.

Hunter teleported himself back to the castle tower to find Luz, and Rascal was waiting outside the window to bring Luz and Hunter back into the woods where they came from to catch up with the twins. Luz went first, climbing quickly but carefully onto Rascal, and Hunter was right on her heels, ready to escape.

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