Chapter 6

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Hunter wasn't sure how much sleep he got, but it felt like only a few minutes passed before Eda was knocking on his door.

"Hey, kiddo, I thought I'd ask if you want to stay home today. I know it was a late night out there."
Hunter sat up and ran his hands through his hair. "That's okay. I think going today would be a good distraction."

Eda waved her scroll towards him. "Well, if you get there and change your mind, just let me know. Damn, these things were a great investment." She twirled it in between her fingers and stepped out of the doorway.

Hunter smiled and got out of bed, his feet gently hitting the floor and waking Rascal. The small bird tweeted as they landed on Hunter's shoulder and nuzzled his scarred cheek.

"Hey, bud," He said, patting Rascal's head. "Ready to go?"
Rascal chirped again before taking on the form of Hunter's staff, which fell into his hands.
Hunter had never brought his palisman to school, but there would have to be a first time for everything. His anxiety had grown intense enough to want the extra protection.

He desperately needed a haircut, maybe he'd ask Edric or Jerbo where they went. He had trouble making his hair do what he wanted, and it was long enough to tie up the top in a short ponytail, so he secured an elastic on the crown of his head and one piece fell over his eye as usual. Hunter was taken aback by his reflection.

damn, I look kind of hot, He thought to himself, and even made a few faces at himself in the mirror.
This didn't last long-- his next face quickly turned to one of pure horror when he saw that Luz was taking a photo on her scroll.

"Wow, you were totally checking yourself out." Luz cackled, practically doubled over with laughter.
Hunter dove at the human, trying to grab her scroll and delete the horrific content she'd just recorded.

"I'm going to KILL you, LUZ!" He yelled as they barrelled down the stairs, crashing into Eda.
She grabbed each of the kids by their uniform hoods.
"WOAH, what is going on?!" she bellowed over their bickering. "It's like I have the Bat Queen's babies in here. They're a bunch of little shits!"

Hunter's face was dark red, nearly purple. "Luz took pictures of me and it is VERY embarrassing!" he muttered.

Eda looked over at the human, who could hardly keep in her laughter. "Edaaaa! It's not that bad, he just looks so stupid!"

She showed the photos of Hunter checking himself out, and Eda busted out laughing.
"Damn, tough guy, you were ready to own the day!" She said, wiping a tear from her eye. "The hair looks good, though." She let go of his hood and ruffled his hair, messing up the ponytail.


Hunter made it through his Healing class without too much worry, in fact, he was feeling pretty great after that nap earlier and having a huge weight off his shoulders. He and the Blights had grown close enough that telling them his secret was long overdue.
Viney nudged his shoulder and passed him a note.

Secret spot in 5? Em and Ed are there already ~

Hunter's heart skipped at the sight of Edric's name, even the shorthand version of it.
The feeling was strange, but after his talk with Luz on the porch, he felt... different. Open.
He nodded at his friend and she raised her hand politely for permission to "use the restroom."

Five minutes passed and Hunter also asked to go, and the teacher had no issue letting him. Being the new kid in school gave him a pity advantage, especially since he showed up to Hexside looking like a bit of a disaster, and not much had changed in that regard.

Even though Hunter hadn't been in school for very long, he knew his way to the secret meeting spot by heart.

He waved as he approached the silhouettes of his friends, but Emira ran up and grabbed his hands.
Edric stood up and looked at him with urgency.
"Hunter, we have bad news." He said sternly.

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