3) Singing & Quirk

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Midoriya pov
I woke up from sleeping and waiting for the other to wake up too.This is a second day that im in prison. While i was waiting for them i kinda feel boring and i had nothing to do. Then i was thinking maybe i can sing for a while to get rid off this boredom.

(he singing this song cuz i like this song)

Dad for one pov
I heard my son sing and his hair suddenly glowing. I think this was his quirk. While he was singing Overhaul and Stain woke up too. They were shocked too. My son glowing all over the cell. Then i felt my face, i was suprised to see my original face were heal and i think my body healed too. I see people surrounding me and they were healed too.(All of the prisoner woke up ok) I see my son again and he kinda growing 4 wings at his back.

No one pov
All of the prisoner and deku cellmates was shocked that all of them were heal and see our green bean grow some wings.They also like to hear his singing. Stain was surprised to see his injuries was healed and overhaul hand was grow back.

Our angel pov
After i finished sing i open my eyes and surprised to see all of prisoner look at me. I kinda scared and try to go to my father. When i was trying to run/walk to my father i fall down. "Why is my back feel so heavy?!?" i said. "Son i think you should see wahts behind your back.." my father said. "What the katsudon!!!Why there are wings behind my back!?!?" i yelled.And i see my father back and surprised that my father has his face and i look people surrounding me. I see all of them were heal. I asked my father, "Dad how the heck your face was heal and other people were heal too??". "You see son, while you were singing, me and other prisoner woke up and saw that your hair were glowing. I think this my be one of your quirks" father said. Wow i finally has my quirk😆😆😆😆. Then i heard people says "THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR HEALING US, ANGEL". "A-angel??" i asked. "Ofc you heal us and has white wings!! Thats why we called you angel" they said."Congrats kid for got your quirk and thanks for healing me" Stain said."Yeah,thanks" overhaul said. I was very happy that i got my quirk and i think maybe i could get a new quirk tomorrow since my dad said i have quirks. Maybe i should start training tomorrow.

Thanks for reading this book!!!

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