Cameras And Creepiness

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It was now two in the afternoon, and the living room and kitchen were now back to normal. The boys were scattered around the house, just chilling after a long five hours of cleaning.

Louis sat in the living room, watching a football game as usual. But his attention wasn't fully on the game, and Harry, who was watching from the kitchen, knew this instantly.

When Louis watches a football game, he really gets into it. He'll stand up and cheer, scream at the players for being such idiots, yell at the ref for saying that his team was off sides, when they clearly weren't. But now Louis sat silent, staring at the plasma screen with a blank face.

Harry knew exactly what was bothering him, but he decided to ask anyway.

"Hey Lou?" he asked, walking over and taking a seat next to his best friend.

Louis, did not respond.

"Louis?" Harry tried again, knitting his eyebrows together and waving his hand in front of the older boy's face.

Nothing. Not even a flinch.

"Louis, are you joking around? 'Cause you're really starting to scare me.." 

Louis didn't even blink.

"Louis, knock it off!" Harry yelled a little louder than he wanted to. Then, ever so slowly, Louis turned his head towards the younger boy, his eyes staying wide open and not moving an inch.

He stared at Harry intensely, then said in the most calm voice, "I'm fine."

Harry narrowed his eyes, "Are you sure?"


"Louis, you're not acting like yourself.. And it's really creeping me out."

"I'm fine, Harry." Louis said in a dead tone, he then turned his head back to the television blaring in front of them. Harry sat in silence, staring at his friend with a helplessly confused face.

He then stood and left without another word, and ran up the stairs.

"Liam? Liam!" he called.

"Harry? You okay?" Liam asked, standing in the doorway of his room agreeing hearing Harry's calls. Harry quickly pushed Liam inside and shut the door, making Liam tense up.

Something was wrong.

"Harry, what's the matter?"

"It's Louis. He's acting really weird." Harry explained, Liam relaxed a bit.

"He's probably just spooked from this morning, Harry. It's nothing to worry abo--"

"Liam," Harry interrupted. "He's watching football, and he's just sitting there. He's never quiet during a football game."

That caught Liam's attention. 


"He's just sitting there with a blank face.. It's really creepy."

Liam stared at Harry with his face scrunched in confusion. "I need to see this for myself."

Harry shrugged and stepped out of the way so Liam could go downstairs. Liam stepped toward the door, turned the handle and..

"Louis!" Liam gasped as he swung open the door, then stumbled backwards as he became face to face with the oldest boy.

Louis' face was still blank, his lips were a line and his blue eyes were dilated and looked frozen. His hands hung stiffly by his sides, and his body didn't move a muscle. Not a single sway.

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