Night Two

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"Harry you're still going to sleep in our room, right?" Louis asked in a shy voice, making Harry's heart melt even more. Louis has been acting like a lost puppy ever since his episode this afternoon. When Niall said he had to go upstairs to call him mum like he promised her, Louis threw a fit and begged him to stay with him until finally Liam came downstairs and agreed to trade places with the blonde. It breaks Harry's heart to see Louis so scared.

"Of course BooBear." Harry smiled, making Louis show a ghost of a smile. "I wouldn't leave you alone Lou, you know better then that." he continued, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.

Louis sighed heavily, glancing at the floor. "I know.. It's just that you-- I mean, I'm just scared that-- I.." the older boy shook his head at himself, slipping deeper into his pit of sadness. "I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying, Harry."

"You never do half the time you speak."

Louis shot his head up, giving the head of curls an offended look. This made Harry burst into a fit of giggles. 

"I'm kidding, Lou. Listen, you can't let all this crap get to your head. You're freaking yourself out."

"What happened today was not me freaking myself out, Harry!" Louis exploded, making Harry flinch in surprise. "I was fucking possessed by some creature! It talked to me Harry! It was whispering things in my ear! The voice was so dark and evil, and I couldn't make it stop! Do you know how scary that is? And fucking frustrating?"

Harry frowned as Louis' voice got higher and higher as he yelled, until finally it cracked with a cry and far too familiar tears began to run down his cheeks.

"Awe Louis.." Harry whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around the older boy's waist. "It's alright.."

Louis squeezed Harry as if his life depended on it, choking on his own sobs as he buried his face into Harry's broad shoulder. Harry shut his eyes as he felt Louis' tears soaked through his shirt and touch his skin, making his heart sink.

He has seen Louis cry too many times in one week. He wants it to end.

"Louis, stop." he said calmly, pulling away to look at his best friend, but Louis's arms still stayed latched around his waist.

"I know you're strong Lou, I know you can beat whatever this thing is." Harry said confidently, wiping a few stray tears from Louis' cheeks with his hand. "And I don't care if Satan himself stands in my way, nothing will stop me from sticking by your side the whole time. Is that clear?"

Louis hiccuped as he smiled at the green eyed boy in front of him; how did he get so lucky to have a best friend as amazing as Harry?

"Thanks, Hazza." he said quietly. "I love you mate."

"I love you too." Harry beamed, hugging Louis tightly once more before breaking the hug completely. "Go get ready for bed, I'll be up in a second. I wanna grab a snack."

Louis seemed unsure at this idea, but Harry squeezed his hand as he whispered. "I'll be right up, I promise."

Sure enough, Louis made his way upstairs and Harry shuffled into the kitchen. He was searching the cabinets for a bag of crisps or something, when he heard Niall's voice behind him.

"That was really sweet, ya know." 

Harry turned to see the Irish boy in his four leaf clover pajama bottoms and over sized tee shirt, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. 

"How long have you been watching?"

"Long enough to know that Louis is real lucky to have you as a mate."

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