The End...?

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LAST CHAPTER OF HAUNTED!! :( Sorry, but everything must come to an end.... *sigh* Also, just a warning. There is death in this chapter, so if you don't like that type of stuff, don't read! Alright, I'll leave you be :) x

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, Father Jason. But Liam said that now just isn't the right moment to be doing this." Harry explained as he walked the man to the front door. "Maybe we can try again some other time?"

Father Jason smiled at Harry, nodding his head. "Liam has my number, call me anytime you need. Also, tell Zayn thank you again for the delicious meal. He has talent."

Harry nodded his head and flashed a smile, then shut the door as the Priest began to walk down the driveway to his car. Finally, he was gone.

"Maybe things will be a little less tense around here now." Niall said, trying to perk up the spirit. 

"Hopefully Nialler, hopefully." Harry said while crossing his fingers. He really wanted this to be over. He just wanted things to go back to normal. But most of all..

He just wanted his best friend back.


Zayn was still cradling Louis in his arms as if he were a small child, telling him to calm down and that everything was alright. But they have moved from the cold, tile bathroom floor to another guest bedroom across the hall. Together they laid in the soft, cushy bed; no speaking, just sniffles and soft shhh's.

This went on for a while, maybe about an hour or more; until Zayn heard a small, light snore, and looked down to discover that Louis had fallen into a troubled sleep.

He smiled at the sight; Louis looked so calm and peaceful when he slept, not angry and confused like he was before. After placing a gentle kiss on his forehead, Zayn slowly got out of the bed, covered Louis with the blankets, and tip toed out of the room.

He needed some rest.


Zayn walked downstairs carelessly, but stopped in his tracks once he saw that Niall was napping on the couch. He smiled; Niall was curled into a ball with both his hands slipped under his cheek for comfort. His breathing was soft and calm, and his nose twitched every few seconds, similar to how a rabbit does. It was quite adorable.

So Zayn continued down the stairs, but more quietly this time. He tip toed past Niall in the living room and to the sliding glass door, and slipped outside. The cold air crashed into his warm body, giving him chills, but he liked the way it felt. Frozen white snow crunched under his sneakers as he walked down the steps of the patio, to the plastic pool side lounge chairs they used in the summer. He brushed so snow off the end of one and took a seat, digging his other hand into his jean pocket.

He pulled out a colorful box that the boys hated to see; cigarettes. Sighing, he pulled out a fresh one, along with a dark blue lighter, and put it between his lips. With a few flickers, the cigarette was lit, and he breathed in the familiar smoke. As much as he hates to admit it, he loved the taste, he craved it. And from being so stressed out from all this demon shit, this tasted like heaven.

"You said you quit." a voice spoke behind him, causing him to jump and nearly drop the stick between his fingers. He turned around to see Liam standing there, his face had hurt written all over it.

"... You said you wanted to be alone."  Zayn said quietly, turning back around so he didn't have to look Liam in the eyes.

"I did, but I heard the alarm go off and got worried."

Shit, the alarm. How did he not hear the alarm go off when he stepped outside? Was he that zoned out?

"You lied to me, Zayn." Liam continued, and Zayn could hear him stepping closer. "Why would you lie to me?"

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