Chapter eight

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I slowly become conscious again and my vision is somewhat back, I am laying down in the same hammock that I was when I first got here. I turn to the side and see Newt there his hands in mine.

"Why do I always end up here" I laugh quietly.

He smiles and says "well maybe it's because you aren't afraid to get hurt".

I look at him, my eyes aren't fully open so I can just about see him. I smile. I look around and everyone is doing their job like nothing happened. Bit rude. But I don't really care all I can focus on is Newt and his hands covering mine. I blush at him. He stops smiling and comes closer to me, I feel nervous so I close my eyes. Then that's when I can feel his soft lips on mine, inside my head I am celebrating. I place my hand on his fluffy hair. I look at him and we both blush.

"Alright then I better get going see you around Jen" he says walking away.

I look at him confused why did he kiss me and then just walk away? Is that what is supposed to happen? I ask my self. I try to forget about it but it is impossible; I want to remember every detail, every touch, every sense that I had just experienced. I lay back looking at the ceiling, I feel like I am on cloud 11 and I never want to get down. My heart is racing and my head got warm, I look at the hand he had touched. A smile crept on my face and I can't get rid of it.

I manage to sit up when I hear someone else enter the hut.

"I see you are up"

I look next to me and there was Alby looking at me with a serious face. I gather up enough courage to ask him:

"That creature I saw.. was that a griever?"

He stares at me in disbelief.

"You saw a griever?" He asks sitting down besides me.

"I think so? three of them almost killed me!" I utter,

I can see him turn pale and ask:

"Did they sting you with their tails?"

I look at him confused - "no? I manage to hide under some vines for the night after I almost got attacked by them"

He looks down in relief and spoke;

"Good, if they sting you, you will turn into what we call a crank."

I tilt my head.

"A what"

"A crank, sort of like a zombie"

I raise my eyebrows in disbelief. A zombie? There is no such thing? I think he can tell that I don't believe him.

"Never mind I will let you rest" he says before leaving.

I look away for one second and then look back to see Ben standing there. His face pale with purple veins, his eyes dark black. I sit still hoping he will leave.

"Ben what's wrong?" I say.

He bolts at be and I jump the hammock. I scream and yell as I sprint as fast as I can out of the hut. I can hear him close behind screaming at me as well. Thomas sprint to Ben and pull him on the ground however, he starts attacking Thomas. Some other boys run over to help but he is stronger, he escapes there grasps and launches himself at me. My head hits the hard ground, I scream while kicking and hitting him. I can see Newt in the corner of my eyes running over. He smacks Ben round the head with a shovel knocking him of me. I sit up and try to crawl away but I feel something grabbing onto my foot, I look back and it's Ben resisting everyone's effort to get him of me. Newt kicks him with all his might around the face; Ben loosens his grip and I manage to escape. I could feel blood escaping my head,

"Great another wound" I think to myself annoyingly.

Newt helps me up and I lay my head on his chest in relief and tears escape my red eyes, I can feel his rhythmic heartbeat, his hands moving in circular movement across my back. I look back at Ben who is pleading that they give him another chance.

"Alright lift up his shirt" says Alby;

Ben is pleading that they don't, Gally lifts his shirt and there is a wound that is purple and some shades of blue. Everyone gasps.

"He's been stung" Newt says still holding me in his arms.

"By a griever?"

"What else would bite him?!" Gally yells

"Take it easy mate" Newt snaps - I blush.

They guys pick up Ben and drag him to the pit where they will ask him questions but I am unsure on what will happen to him after that. Newt wonders of and leaves me by myself.

"What is his problem with leaving me" I think.

The thing is I don't even know if we are dating or not. He is showing mixed signals, the only person I can talk to is Teresa. I look around trying to find her, my face cringing with the sun shining down on the glade. I can hear faint screams but I am guessing it is Ben. I think to myself hoping he is alright, I never really knew him but what I've heard we was really nice.

"You must be the new greenie?" - I hear someone say,

I look behind me to see a young boy about 11-12 years old, he was chubby and just about shorter then me.

"I'm Chuck" he says greeting me.

"Hi Chuck I am Jenny! Nice to meet you" I say smiling "it's sad what happened to ben isn't it?" I say trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah" he sighed looking back "but it's for the best we need to make sure no one else will be harmed" he adds.

"I see you have met Chuck" says Newt coming up behind me, I would recognise his British accent anywhere.

I turn my head around to face him; "yeah" I smile.

"So what's the deal with you two? Like are you close friends or lovers?" Chucks asks.

I can't help but blush at his question, I don't want to be the one who answers it so I wait for Newts reply. He opens his mouth to say something but Alby interrupts. Great.

"Newt we need you It's Ben" he says completely ignoring me and Chuck. I frown.

"Alright. Bye Check, see you Jen" he says walking away with Alby.

"Are you going to answer my question or not?" Chuck says impatiently,

I reply - "I'm not sure".

I truly did want to know the answer but in all honesty I am clueless. Chuck and I jump to the sound of Ben screaming by the entrance to the maze. All the boys were there and Teresa, they seem to be pushing Ben out of the maze. I start sprinting towards them. When I arrive there I see Newt and other people pushing Ben out with long handmade sticks. I feel useless as all I can do is just stand there.
I'm wishing this nightmare to be over.

Girl runner (fan fiction- Newt , maze runner) Where stories live. Discover now