Chapter fourteen

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Blood. Lots of it. Smeared across the walls and the equipment that was left in the room. Bodies everywhere. We all walk in slowly, my grasp on Newts hand tightened. He notices this and pulls me closer to him.
Everyone spilts up across the room to investigate all the equipment and the high tech computers and keyboards. I have a look at a keyboard and I press a button, a screen appears with a lady. The guys start to gather out of curiosity;

"It looks like a video" I say, as Thomas comes up to me.

The woman starts talking; "hello, my is doctor Ava Paige. I'm director of the world catastrophe off the kill zone Department. If your watching this, that means you have successfully completed the maze trials. I would've like to meet you personally and congratulate you, but circumstances have seem to prevented it. I assume by now your are all very confused, scared and angry. But I assure you that everything that's happened to you... everything we've done to you is for a reason."

I glance at Newt, his eyes seem intrigued by what the woman has to say. I look back at the screen.

"You won't remember, but the sun has scorched our world... billions of lives have been lost to fire. Suffering by global scale.... The fall out was unimaginable what came after was worse we call it the flare. A deadly virus that attacks the brain... it is violent and unpredictable-and then kills them. In time a new generation will emerge that could survive the virus. There was a reason to hope for a cure - but finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be sacrificed... placed in a new and harsh environment to find out what makes them different. You may not realise it but you are very important-"

I realise that in the background there is people shooting at the other doctors there. I got distracted because of the shooting and I am not paying that much attention to what she was saying.

"Unfortunately your trials have only begun. As you may discover not everyone agrees with our methods... progress is slow, people are scared. It maybe to late for us, for me. The outside world awaits... remember-" she puts a gun to her head, "W.I.C.K.E.D is good" she pulls the trigger.

I look away, tears fill my eyes. Newt sees me and grabs me in his arms, the only place I feel safe.

"So she said that we were important.. but for what?" Newt says looking at Thomas.

I don't care at the moment, the only thing I focus on  Newts heartbeat and his breathing rate, this makes me feel calm as it soothes me. I can hear them murmuring as I start to zone out and not paying attention to anything they are saying. Just paying attention to Newt and Newt only.

I look around and see a door with light at the end of it - "look!" I yell pointing at the door.

Everyone turned to see what I was on about, we started running towards it when Thomas stops suddenly.

"Gally?" He whispers in disbelief.

I stop next to Thomas and look at where he was looking, it is Gally standing there pointing a gun towards us.

"Gally it's ok... we are free" Thomas says extending his arms to show that he won't hurt him.

"Careful Thomas he's been stung" Teresa utters;

She is right, his eyes were almost black and the remaining white bits are now red. I grab Newts hand.

"We are never free, I belong in the maze... and so do you-"

Minho launches a big stick at Gally piercing through his skin, he starts to collapse - and so does Chuck. Red liquid escaping his body, tears rolling down my cheeks as Thomas is trying to keep Chuck conscious.

"Take this... please Thomas" Chuck manages to say passing a wooden silhouette of a boy (I'm guessing it is Chuck) "thank you.. thank you" Chucks spoke his last words as his breathing slowly came to a stop.

No-one could say anything apart from just staring at him in shock, disbelief, anger or in frustration.
I kneel down next to Thomas and start to rub his back in a circular motion; I look up at Newt but he was already looking down at me. His eyes are red, I reach out my hand to Newt and he places his hand in mine. His veiny hand completely covering mine - the only comfort I can get right now. Its silent for a few more minutes until we hear the door bust open, a group of armed men with masks on grab us; I realise that they are the same men that attacked the people in the video.

One of them grabs me painfully by the arm that I squeal, I can hear Newt yelling at the man to get off me. They drag us to a helicopter and closes the door, I felt beyond guilty of leaving Chucks lifeless body there. Thankfully Newt was right near me and so he pulled me close to him so I won't look out of the window and see what we were trapped in. I close my eyes and focus on Newt (again). As I know that no-one can ever get in between us.

Not yet at-least.

Girl runner (fan fiction- Newt , maze runner) Where stories live. Discover now