Chapter five

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"Jenny it's time for your second job to test you on the second job, now Thomas told us that you wanted to be a runner is that true?" Alby asks me.

"Yeah but you already know that I swear?" I reply frowning.

"Are you sure she can do it" I hear Newt say behind me.

I look back "thanks for the encouraging words Newt" I laughed.

He blushes and carries on with tying ropes. I start to get that weird feeling in my stomach again. I follow Alby back to the hut where Minho and Thomas is.

"We are going to give you a chance to be a runner, you only have one shot okay? So follow every instruction and demands Minho and Thomas give you is that crystal clear?" Alby says seriously.

"Clear" I mutter.

Minho gives me some clothes and I go to the bathroom to get changed. The bathroom was very unhygienic but that wasn't surprising.

"What the hell?!" I complain as I take a look of the clothes.

I have short denim shorts and a vest with a cardigan, and I start getting changed. I finally finish and I wrap the cardigan around my waist.

"Actually this isn't that bad" I think to myself.

However, when I walk outside I could feel everyone's eyes watching my every move. I feel a bit uncomfortable as I'm not the type of person that like attention.

"You look good Jen" Newt says coming up to me.

"That is Newty" I say joking around.

He smirks.

"Finally you are finished, let's get started!" Minho says running up to me with Thomas.

"Okay" I say in excitement.

Newt, Thomas, Minho and I all go to the entrance of the maze, I start to feel nervous amd start to shake a bit. Newt notices and grabs my hand,

"It'll be okay" he says.

I look at him and blush. Not realising that Minho and Thomas were staring at us the whole time. Another guy ran up to us,

"You must be Jenny, I am Ben nice to meet you!" They guy says shaking my hand.

"Hi Ben!" I reply smiling.

"Alright so we need to start going now" Minho says

"Be safe alright?" Newt says looking at me straight in my eyes.

"Who are you my mum?" I laugh.

He chuckles. Minho Thomas ben and I start running into the maze, I look behind me and see Newt staring at me. I give him a small wave before catching up to the rest. We run and run until we got to a dead end. Minho and Thomas is having a break and Ben is digging for something in his backpack. I look out into the rest of the maze. Before I know it I am running further and further away from them until I can just about hear their faint voices.

"I don't want to wonder off to far but it is boring staying with them" I thought to myself.

It is already evening and the sun is just about setting, I am quite far from wherever I last saw the boys. All I know is that I have lost my way back so I have to keep on going. It is getting darker by the minute and I start to hear growling, however, I play it of as just my mind playing tricks on me as I am thirsty but I have no water or food. I keep on hearing these weird noises that seem to be coming from a sort of animal but I am unsure which on as I have never heard it before. I already know I don't like it.
I sit down by the wall and take a break as I am out of breath, then I look up and see this creature unlike anything I have seen before, it saw me and before I knew it the thing was chasing me. Gradually another one came, I sprint for my life going every direction of the maze too scared to look back. I'm starting to feel dizzy and my mind is spinning, i look behind me and they are no where to be seen but I can still hear them. I am near a think layer of vines so I just about manage to hide myself amongst them. I hold my breath and cover my mouth with my hands as I see the creature walking in-front of me, it is walking slowly so I think it knows that I am near by. At this point my vision isn't concentrating and my head is spinning. I give up and I felt my body drop on the hard concrete floor.

Girl runner (fan fiction- Newt , maze runner) Where stories live. Discover now