Chapter three

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(Sorry this chapters really long)

"Hey, wake up" someone says to me whilst shaking me ever so slightly.

My eyes open, my vision is almost back to normal, a I see the British boy right by me.
"What- what's happening?" I ask sitting up on the hammock.

"It's dinner time, come on you need to eat" he replies grabbing my hand, my fingers sliding into his warm palm,he pulled me out of the hammock.
I look at him while he takes me outside. I gasp. There before me is a big bonfire with guys laughing and dancing, anything you could think of.

The British boy takes me to this guy and says:
"Greenie, this is Fry. He is our cook"

I shake hands with Fry and he smiles at me then says: "nice to meet you greenie".

The British boy starts to take me somewhere else,
"why does everyone call me Greenie?" I ask confused.

"Well it's because everyone who comes up in the box is called a greenie" he replies.

I frown.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself" he lets go of my hand, finally, then says "my name is Newt and I am a gardener. If you can't remember what a gardener is, it's where-"

I interrupt "I know what a gardener is" I say whilst rolling my eyes.

"Alright I had to be sure" he chuckled " sit down on that log and wait for me to come back alright?" He says.

I go to the log and I sit down watching everyone until Thomas comes up to me.

"There you are" and sits next to me.

He says nothing, he just stares at me. I couldn't help but stare back as it is kind off impossible not to stare at someone who is staring at you. I finally look away and frown.

"Can i help you?" I say looking back at him. I roll my eyes "well are you just going to look at me or?"

"Sorry, I am just trying to figure out why you are so familiar"

"I'm sorry what?"

"Never mind... wait here there is someone you need to meet as he will stay with you for a bit" Thomas says before walking off.

I rest my head on my hands while I wait for him. All I can hear is the fire burning. I look around and I realise the massive wall which surrounds this place, I hadn't realised that I am already running towards the massive wall trying to find an exit. I can hear people's faint yells. I think they are yelling at me, I pay no attention to it my mind is only focused on getting out of here. The wind flies through my hair, brushes over my ancles. I almost felt free. I reach the wall and place my hand on the hard concrete that that the wall was made from. I see vines of ivy hanging from the wall.

"What if I were to climb it?" I think. I gasp. "This could be my way out!" I say in excitement.

I jump to try and reach the tips of the vines. I miss. I try again this time with all my might. I manage to gab it, however, I accidentally let go.

"Dammit!" I yell.

All of a sudden a hand grabs my arm and swings me to face them.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Newt yells his eyebrows frowning.

I try to escape his grasp but he was stronger, it felt like he is cutting of my blood circulation.

"Let go of me!" I scream before stamping on his foot.

"Ouch!" He yells but he still does not let go of me.

I can see the others running over here to see what is going on. They gather around us and two of the grabs me. I struggle to get free.

"What is going on!" Says the ginger guy (who I laughed at because of his eyes brows).

Two other boys grabbed my arms so that I can't break free.

"She tried to escape" Newt says grabbing onto his foot.

"Let me go!" I yell.

They pull me back to the huts to try and calm me down. They sat me down in one of the big huts with staircase benches. In the room is Thomas, Newt, the boy with the ginger hair and these other two boys I don't recognise.

"Okay so we brought you in here to discuss some rules, first of all my name is Alby and I am the leader of the group, next to me is Newt he is second in command. Got it?" One of the boys that I didn't recognise says.

I nodded.

"Good, there are three rules here in the Glade. Number one do your part, so in the morning we will figure out a job for you ok? Number two never harm another glader, it's very important that we can trust one another and finally number three, this one is very important ok? Never go beyond the walls. Leave that to the runners-"

"The runners what are they?" I ask out of curiosity.

"The runners are people who go out and try and find a way out, the leader of the runners is Minho" Alby says pointing to the other guy I didn't know.

"Well can I try and be a runner?" I say

They all laugh. I frown at them.

"No one actually wants to be a runner" says Newt giggling.

"Well I do, so how can I prove to you that I am capable?" I say standing up and crossing my arms.

They all look at me.

"Well we can maybe sort something out but for now we need to get you into bed" Newt utters grabbing my hand.

He leads me towards a tall tower lit up by candles. There is a ladder leading up to the top.

"This is wear you are sleeping" Newt says looking up.

I gulp. "It's awfully high! Is it just me up there?" I ask.

"No there is another girl up there waiting for you" he replies before wondering off.

I make my way up the long ladder. I finally make it to the top and see a girl sat there waiting for me just like Newt said.

"Hi, my name is Teresa, it's nice to have a girl around here for once!" She says in a kind tone.

"Hi Teresa, I bet it must've been pretty lonely" I giggled. " How long have you been here for?"

"To be completely honest with you I have lost track of the days" she says sighing.

"Oh I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry it's fine!" She says.

I sit down near some blankets and stare at the huge wall trapping us in hear.

"You're lucky Newt actually spoke to you, he doesn't really speak much other then an occasional 'hi' or 'yeah'. He might have a thing for you!" Teresa says smirking at me.

"I doubt that very much" I say laughing.

"Well I am going to bed now see you in the morning" Teresa says before laying down.


Girl runner (fan fiction- Newt , maze runner) Where stories live. Discover now