Chapter four

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I awake suddenly gasping for air. It still dark and Teresa is still asleep.

"Oh my god! My Names Jenny!"

I finally know my name! Of course it had to be in the middle of the night, but that doesn't matter the point is I now know my name! I am now wide awake and probably won't go back to sleep. I get up and feel my way to the ladder. I make my way down the ladder slowly making sure not to miss a step. I finally touch the ground and I start to run towards the wall. I can't remember anything else only my name, but I have a strange liking for running which is useful if I want to be a runner. I make it to the wall and place my hand on it. I sighed.

"What if I have family out there in the big world? They would be so worried for me" I though to myself.

"Cant sleep either"

I jump and turn around to see Newt standing there, his hair all messy.

"Not really" I say looking back at the wall.

I could feel him come closer to me, he places his hand on the wall and sighs.

I look at him " do you think we have family and loved ones out there?" I ask.

We lock eyes. His smile fades, and says:

"to be honest greenie I have no idea"

"I have a name you know!"

He raises an eyebrow.

"Well what is it?"

"Jenny" I say smiling.

He smiles back and looks me in the eyes.

"Well jenny we should get back to the others it is late".

He reaches out his hand, I hesitate but I grab his hand.

"What is this like a romantic walk?" I say joking,

He laughs. We walk hand in hand back to the tower. While walking I look up to the sky the stars are beautiful, they almost don't look real.

"Well jenny see you in the morning" he says letting go of my hand slowly.

I get this weird feeling in my stomach but don't think much of it as it might just be just hunger.

"Night Newt" I say smiling.

He giggles before walking of. I start the ladder to the tower, finally I made it to the top and I lay down looking at the stars wondering when morning will arrive.

I drift of.


The brightness of the sunlight wakes me up. I sit up looking around, Teresa isn't here? I look down and see her with Thomas and sighed in relief. I reach the ground and start to walk towards Thomas and Teresa until someone grabs me.

"Morning greenie" says Alby, "it's time to see what job you are trying today".

I follow him to the hut where we were yesterday. I lock eyes with Newt who is waiting with Minho and the guy with the eyebrows. Newt smiles at me, I smile back. I sit down and wait for the "speech".

"Okay, so we have finished discussing what we think is best for you."

"Before we do who are you" I ask the guy with the eyebrows.

Minho and Newt smile trying to not laugh.

"My name is Gally" the guy with the eyebrows says looking annoyed.

"Right so anyway, we are decided that you are going to do gardening for today" Alby says "follow Newt and he will show you how to do it and what to do".

Newt smiles at me, I roll me eyes and smile back.
I follow him to a garden filled with tomato's and other vegetables and fruits.

"Right so first can you grab a bucket and start picking tomatoes" Newt says pointing to a wooden bucket.

I roll my eyes on my way to get it. I bring the bucket next to the tomatoes and start picking some that look ripe.

"There you go jenny" Newt smiles,

"Do you do this right everyday?" I ask whilst getting on my knees and picking some at the bottom.

"Sort of" he replies,

"Fun" I say sarcastically.

He laughs. Newt starts tying some rope on a wooden stick to keep the plants up right, I could see him in the corner of my eye looking at me now and then.

"Hey greenie how's the first day of your job?" Says Thomas jogging towards me,

"Alright I guess but I would much rather be a runner" I uttered.

"Really? Well I happen to be one" Thomas bragged,

"That's great now you can put in a good word about me" I grinned jumping up and down.

"Wow you are wanting to be one" Thomas laughed " yeah I can see what I can do"

"Thank you thank you!" I grinned.

Newt and Thomas laughed at me. I feel a bit embarrassed but I don't care I might have a chance to be a runner!

Thomas starts walking of and so I have no choice but to carry on helping Newt.

Girl runner (fan fiction- Newt , maze runner) Where stories live. Discover now