Chapter thirteen

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We run to the entrance but to my dismay Gally is there blocking the way out.

"Gally what are you doing? Are you coming with us?" I say my eyes lighting up,

"No but you guys can't leave"

The remainder of the survivors start to gather around us. Gally sighs; "if you must go but I am staying here I belong in the maze" he says.

I get it that he has been here forever but I don't get why he is willing to risk his life just to stay here. I place my hand inside Newts, his cheeks turn red as he looks down at our hands. His eyes brightened, that's what I love about him.

Thomas turns around to face the other guys that are starting to gather, I look at Chuck and Teresa and they walk towards us as they are coming with us.

"I'm not going to force you to come with us but if would much rather spend the rest of it in here be my guest. However, if you would rather fight for the chance to be free come with us." He says getting the rest of the guys attention.

I look at Chuck to make sure he has the right stuff and thankfully he does, Newt pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead - "I will follow you anywhere" he proceeds to say.
I couldn't help myself but smile. Some other guys like Winston and Minho start to join us and Gally moves out of the way. We started jogging out and Newt still had hold of my hand, I'm scared that my hands might sweat in his. So I try to think about something else but nothing came to mind apart from something I dread to think of - the grievers.

I look up as the sun starts to sweat; "this brings up unpleasant memories" I utter to Newt looking up at him.

He looks down at me and smiles "I know but you have us to protect you" he says;

And he is right, I did have them. This thought calms me ever so slightly, it's safe to say that didn't last long as we come to a part where Thomas and Minho claims to be. It has numbers on different walls they went up from 1-8, we come to a corner where the exit to the maze is. Unfortunately, I hear what I dreaded the most a scream from a griever.

"Okay there is a griever blocking the exit. You all have weapons so it's now or never okay? Let's go!" He says as everyone bolts towards the griever Minho

Thomas and I were the fastest so we were in-front. I did notice that Newt had a limp but I am hesitant to ask about it, that might be why he isn't fast. We reach the griever and we start jabbing it with knives and sticks as well trying to push it of the edge of the pathway. There at each side of the path there was gaps which had a long fall, I see someone fall of it and could hear their screams fading. Teresa is in charge of looking after Chuck which is good as I am focusing on killing this bloody griever.
I stabbed it over and over again with a knife but it just won't fall, that's when Thomas comes running towards it and pushes it of the edge with a massive hand made stick.

"Finally" I say in relief before I hear Chuck scream;

I look around and see Chuck hanging of the edge and Teresa is trying to pull him up by his ankles. I run over and help; together we manage to pull him up and he runs back to Thomas and screams:

"THERE IS TWO OTHER GRIEVERS COMING" pointing at the edge where me and Teresa are.

I look behind me and the griever has already made it up and I collapse on the ground as the griever comes right up to my face. I scream as loud as I can. I hear Newt yell my name as he sprints over and stabs the griever in the head knocking it out. I still lay on the floor feeling like I am paralysed from shock, two people grab me by the arms and I start to pick my self up panicking. Thomas Newt and I run back to the others and me and Teresa go inside this circle shaped tube. We find that to escape we need 6 numbers. I think what could that mean and then I realised and turn back, to my dismay there were three other grievers cornering us people are screaming as they try to fight of the grievers.

"MINHO WHAT IS THE PATTERNS TO THE MAZE!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"UM.. 7.... 1.... 5.... 2.... 6.... 4.... 6.... 4.... 8.... 3!" He yells back.

In a panic I type in the numbers on the screen and it opens I yell: EVERYBODY IN" as Chuck and Teresa climb in.

We all made it in slamming the metal door behind us , everyone gasping for air including me. I look around and we are in a hallway that looks like a hospital. I feel Newt grabbing on to my hands, he spins me around to look at him "are you okay?" He asks;

I nod not knowing what else to say. We start walking in down the hallway until we come to door that has 'exit' written on top of it.

"That's ironic" Fry states,

I laughed as I open the door slowly.

Everyone gasps.

Girl runner (fan fiction- Newt , maze runner) Where stories live. Discover now