Chapter 23: Strawberries Dipped In Sugar

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(A/N: There's going to be a lot know...🍋👉👌😩. So, if that's not your jam, then I'd-uh... I'd just skip this whole chapter🙈. P.S: This is my first time writing a lemon, so go easy on me...please.)


Lofty's ears perk up, his eye sockets widening at your words. His breath hitches in his throat as he replays your sentence in his mind.

You sounded so sincere and so impatient - as if you needed to admit that you loved him the first time you met him, but you held off for so long, not knowing if he felt the same amount of compassion. Your words cause warmth to erupt throughout his body, emotions bubbling up inside of him.

He takes in erratic puffs, seeming your words finally sunk in. Hot air blows out of his nose, hitting your face while his tail flicks around excitedly, his eyes flicking between your (e/c) orbs, scanning you, assessing your deepest emotions.

You blink, tilting your head, confused by his actions. His eyelids droop as he leans closer, his tongue dangling out of his mouth, dripping warm saliva on your legs. Your cheeks redden, and your eyes widen, recognizing his expression, and your body responds appropriately. He's aroused, and that fact excites you.

"Ego amo te," he breathes in a husky tone, leaning closer and narrowing his eyes, his voice a low growl that causes your spine to tingle and your body to warm up.

Oh, how you adore him speaking, but especially in Latin, and with such a deep, needy tone.

The breathy words roll off of Lofty's tongue as if they were always on the edge of his lips, like he wanted to say them for so long but never knew when or didn't know how. It makes your heart melt, fluttering in your chest while beating at a quickening rate.

A warm feeling blossoms between your legs, triggering explicit, arousing thoughts in your mind as you shift your thighs in an attempt to eradicate the sensation. Who knew two words could cause such an array of exciting emotions.

Lofty releases a trembling breath as he sees the images running through your mind, your sexually-driven thoughts increasing his arousal, causing his chest to heave as he pants. He leans his head down towards you, barely able to keep himself off of you.

He wouldn't want to do anything without your consent, and you know that. The butterflies in your stomach and the throbbing between your legs beg you to ask a question you didn't think you'd be asking this soon, and you have to comply with your feelings, unable to wait any longer with him gazing at you so lustfully.

"Lofty," you whimper in a pitchy, hushed tone, your voice quivering from heat. "Can we-?"

That was all the begging he needed from your puffy, red lips to send him over the edge. His nose scrunches up as a guttural growl rips through his throat, his eyes narrowing.

Within milliseconds, he's already snaking his tongue into your mouth, dancing his long muscle around your short one, and grazing it against the roof of your mouth, causing you to moan.

He growls in response, deeply enjoying your sound, finding your voice to be sickeningly sweet like strawberries dipped in sugar.

You wrap your arms around him, feeling him hoist your legs around his midsection before he stands. And, before you know it, he's carrying you into the forest and pinning you against a tall, wide tree, lifting your hands and pinning your wrists over your head.

You peek an eye open, hearing something growing from all around, curious as to what he's doing while still able to explore your mouth with his tongue. Then, both eyes blink open at the sight.

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