Chapter 9: Weeping Willow

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"Ida had left for the woods, like the many days before. Though, that day was different. It had been her date of birth." Missy clenches her jaw, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"She had gone out to tell Custos about the special day, not knowing of the horrid curse brought onto her by Caligo." She looks at you. "If you are not aware, Caligo had once fallen in love with Ida, but she had chosen her friendship with The Guardian over the love of Caligo." You gulp, eyes widening at her words.

That was an unknown detail to you. A fae falling in love with a human? How could that be possible, let alone work? She was probably so conflicted, unless if she didn't know this Caligo guy that well. To be honest, you would have made the same decision, mostly because Lofty seems really nice, whereas Caligo seems to be the complete opposite.

Missy clears her throat, making you focus back on her. "As she searched for Custos in the forest, Caligo had slowly led her to an aged tree by posing as The Guardian. As the young woman stood under the tree, Caligo rammed it with his horns until its roots had been loosened. Ida did not move, and the tree crushed her small form."

Missy chokes on her words, tears pricking her eyes and falling onto her lap. You rub her cheek with your thumb, feeling tears welling up in your eyes as the fae softly cries.

She wipes the warm liquid away and continues. "Custos and I were not far, and we had heard the sound. Once we were at the fallen tree, Custos lifted it and carried her body away."

Tears continuously stream down her red face. You silently cry next to her, hoping the sorrowful story will end soon before you both burst into tears. She sniffles, letting out a shaky sigh. "He still has not informed me of the place of her burial, but I presume that it is not far from this home."

'The willow tree.' You think. 'The one Lofty was healing when I first met him. It looked like it had been clawed at, maybe by Caligo.' You speculate, thinking back on the fuzzy memory. Things are finally seeming to add up.

Missy hiccups, rubbing her eye tiredly. "When The Guardian is in mourning, soft flowers appear at his roots. It is an odd quirk I wish I never knew of." She states sorrowfully, glancing down at the ground as tears wet her fur skirt.

You stroke the fae's head, comforting her as she quietly cries. You're happy to know more about Lofty and Ida, but are sad that Missy had to carry this information alone for so long. Your mind wanders to Lofty, and how he might be feeling. Honestly, he must be as sad as Missy seems. Dark thoughts probably haunt him all the time. You find that odd, because when you look at him, he always appears to be so calm.

You blink, thinking back on what Missy just said, connecting the last piece of the puzzle in your mind. 'That must be the burial ground. The large, open area must be where she's buried.'

You're unsure why, but you're glad to know such a vital piece of information. It's a secret Lofty keeps to himself, for some odd reason, but now you can share that secret with him.

Even if he has no idea you know about it.

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