Chapter 16: Savoring Sweet Flavors

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Warning: intense fluff ahead!

Missy gasps, turning her head towards the house. "The child is crying." She mutters before swiftly flying to the front door. Your brows knit. You don't hear anything, but choose not to question her hearing abilities. "Need me to open the door?" You ask her with a muffled voice, having to shove the fruit into your cheek before you called out to her.

"I think I can preform alone!" The words fumble out of her mouth as she twists at the door handle and forcefully pulls on it while grunting. You let out a relieved sigh as she slips into the house without getting crushed by the door.

You chomp down on the fruit, wondering of it's flavor. Your brows raise.

It pops like a cherry, the flavor bursting in your mouth as it blends with your saliva. It tastes like something you've never experienced before. It's as if someone bred a strawberry, cherry, and pineapple together. It makes you hum in delight, your eyes widening slightly.

Lofty's back grows rigid. He stays crouching, tilting his head at you. Your cheeks flush as you giggle at his confused expression. "It tastes really good." You explain with a large breath, purring as you continue chewing on the delicious fruit.

Lofty slowly nods, watching you with an odd expression that you can't quite decipher. His tail flicks back and forth at a quickening pace, his breathing not too far behind. A warm feeling pools at the pit of his stomach, but he is unsure what this feeling is. It's rather nice, and could potentially become addictive, is the conclusion he has swiftly come to.

His face leans towards yours, his eye sockets becoming hooded. "Might I try a taste?" He asks in a low breath.

Your brows furrow as you tilt your head at him. You're about to ask what he means, barely parting your puffy lips, until his hands gently grip your arms and he pulls you closer.

His teeth press against your parted lips. Your eyes widen, back stiffening as a long tongue snakes it's way into your juice-filled mouth. A soft, deep hum reverberates from his throat, causing an aroused shiver to crawl up your straight spine. Your heart pounds in your ears as lust starts clouding your tired mind.

Your hands find their way to his ears as you gingerly caress them, pulling yourself closer to deepen this sudden kiss that you enjoy quite greatly. His tongue slides around your mouth, licking up some of the sweetness of the fruit as his saliva mixes with yours. Your eyes gently close, a soft squeak escaping your lips as his wet muscle grazes the roof of your mouth.

He huffs through his nose, sliding one of his hands up your side before combing his fingers through your hair. His tongue rubs up against the squished berry, lapping up some of its sweet juice. His brows knit as he lets out a grumble of a moan, his tongue unfaltering as it constantly slides around in your mouth. You purr in response, feeling goosebumps prick your arms and legs as your heart thumps erratically.

A warm feeling flows throughout your body as his tongue slides to the roof of your mouth for a second time. You take in a sharp breath through your nose, starting to assume that he's rubbing his tongue there on purpose just to get some type of reaction out of you. It sends a shutter racing up your spine as you sink into the nice feeling. You could get used to this intense feeling of arousal, feeling the dopamine as it continues to fill your senses, leaving you practically intoxicated with lust.

Lofty's tail curls around your upper thigh, making you moan on instinct. He growls in response to your sound of arousal, pushing his long tongue farther into your sweet mouth. You barely pull back, feeling as the wet muscle starts to slide down your throat before quickly pulling back up and rubbing against the roof of your mouth.

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