You're a child again, having a short stature, but something's off. It's as if you aren't yourself, like you're trapped in a foreign body and can't control your own movements.You're looking into a forest, a forest that you don't recognize. The trees are different, with more moss growing on them and the grassy floor, and the area seems darker in some way.
Your short, tired legs are barely able to keep you upright in the grass, but you keep them locked in place. Determination is what's keeping this body up and going.
And then, you feel someone wrap their arms around you, picking you up and placing you on their hip as they hug your rump with their forearm, with your head craning to the side to look over their right shoulder.
They turn away from the forest, allowing you to stare into the shadowy trees as dark clouds start rolling in overhead. You spot two glowing white eyes from deep within the woods.
But instead of crying out in fear, you smile, giggling as a large shadow takes a step forward, revealing itself as faint light rays cast through the tree branches and wash over the black form.
You can't control the giggles as they bubble up from within, and you feel more trapped in this body with every unnatural laugh while you watch the murky form stare at you from the shadows. You should be afraid, you should be able to scream out to the person carrying you and tell them to hurry into the house, but you can't. And you won't.
All you do is reach out to the shadow, your hands grabbing at nothingness while you smile and laugh innocently.
It's as if the body you're in does recognize him, but in a positive manner, and not in the same way you see him; a horrible beast. You're not sure how the child doesn't see the monster's evil, though. But you assume it's just from the innocent and underdeveloped mind.
You feel someone rub your back and then hear a dull, female voice come from the person carrying you. "Let's take you inside with the rest of the kids," the woman says with an uninterested tone.
'The rest of the kids?' your mind wonders.
You don't recognize the voice at all, knowing you've never heard her before. And, with how she spoke, she doesn't seem to want to be here. In all honesty, you don't want to be here either, and the body you're stuck in would much rather be in the forest than in this woman's arms, to your surprise.
You want to look around to figure out where you are, but your eyes stay locked with the shadow, and its slits of eyes stay locked with yours. Something about his demeanor makes you think he doesn't want to hurt you and is merely here to watch, seeming entertained by your reaction to his presence, but you must be mistaken.
After all, this has to be a dream created by...him.
When the murky figure steps away and conceals himself behind the trees and shadows, you hear yourself whimper, and you drop your arms sadly as if you didn't want him to leave. Then, you hear the woman speak up again.
"Oh, it's alright," she hums, seemingly attempting to calm you down and keep you from crying. She gives your back another foreign, uncomfortable, light rub.
"It just looks like rain this time."
You figure she thinks you're scared of the upcoming storm, not knowing you were staring right into the eyes of a giant, evil beast in the woods.
As you look up at the darkening clouds, your vision starts to blur, and you feel your head become heavy and foggy. And before you know it, you're encased in darkness.
You awake with a start, a light gasp leaving your parted lips as you look around. You're still on Lofty's lap, and his arms are lightly folded over your thighs, almost feeling like they aren't there with how long they've been draped over you. Missy lays sleeping in her dog form near the foot of the porch steps, looking as peaceful as ever.
The sun is up in the sky, shining brightly, and filling the green land with a gentle warmth. Even as a few clouds pass over the bright star, it still glows with the same burning passion.
You feel a nose nuzzle into your hair, so you turn to your right, and your eyes lock with Lofty's black eyes. He smiles while curling up his brows.
"Nightmare?" he asks in a gentle tone, pulling your body flush against his in a comforting manner.
You nod in response. Then, you purse your lips, thinking to yourself. But, you figure, since Lofty's reading your mind at all times, you might as well just voice your concern.
"If I do have a child," you start, your voice low and somber. "Then, I don't want her to grow up here."
The wooden creature averts his gaze, looking down as his ears flatten. Your eyes widen, and you're about to explain yourself, until his ears perk up and he suddenly turns his eyes to the forest.
His eyes narrow as he gazes into the tree line. "We would not want her to grow up fearing the forest, but that would ensue with Caligo lurking these woods."
You nod at his words, glad he understands. But then, you drop your head, your heart sinking to your chest as you think about ever leaving this place.
"But, I don't want to have to leave you and Missy," you murmur while glancing at the sleeping fae, grabbing Lofty's arms and wrapping them around your waist while putting your arms over his.
He smiles, nuzzling the side of your cheek with his snout. "Then, we shall find equity."
You sigh, nodding once again. You have no idea how you're going to do this if the time does come, but, with Lofty by your side, you're sure he'll happily help you through.
"Besides," Lofty whispers into your ear with a deep, rumbling tone, causing you to melt against him. "You have not to worry of such a thing now."
You smile at his comment and lean your head against his chest. His heart beats at a steady pace, and the sound relaxes you.
He rubs his nose on your cheek before straightening himself up and propping his chin on your head. The two of you take a deep breath, and then you both relax simultaneously, soaking in as much of this peaceful moment as you can.
(1,105 words)

Heart Wood | Forest Creature X Reader (COMPLETED)
FantasyHeartwood, Noun: The dense inner part of a tree trunk, yielding the hardest timber. After your mother got a divorce, the both of you moved to a large one story house. It was in the middle of nowhere, and your entire backyard was just one giant fores...