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"You have to do this." Marco says to me with an intense look in his eyes.

"He fucking disappeared Bec. That load alone was worth like 400k. When Salvador finds out I'm dead, unless I get it back by then and shes the only way we can do it."

I shake my head in disappointment.
"Shes fuckin innocent Marco, she married the wrong asshole but why the fuck we got to hurt her?"

"I will do whatever I need to do to protect myself and so will you." He tells me stepping towards me. "You will do what I say, because until I'm gone, you work for me." He finishes and reaches to push my face away like he does all his other little pets, but that's not me. I leaned back just slightly and smacked his hand away.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? If you ever lay a fucking finger on me, I'll fucking keep it." I told him with a dry, morbid look.

"Just let it go, you crazy bat! Shes not your wife. It's not your problem,  just make a connection with her and get us in there."

"She didnt do anything!"

"I dont care. Do your fucking job!" He shouts back before walking away. I was sucked into drugs and money when I grew up in the slums on the east coast. I was too young at the time and it all became a blur and I ended up getting a little more dedicated than intended.

I just wanted the fun side. The drugs, the money, the parties, the girls. I had a ball until I built a name in the cartel world. Because I was a woman, I was assigned to taking care of the teams females. Any slip up on their side, was my problem and i handled it.
Whether it be a beating, lock down, death, depending on what she did, but they have sent me on the streets to deal with this whole Richard issue.

It was under control last I heard about it until it all burn to the ground when the cops showed up. Richard's wife, Dove, was taken and she hasnt been seen since and considering shes the one that knows anything about Richard, we had to find her.

Which leads me to being sent to Karen's grocery, my assignment was to make her comfortable to be able to let me in whenever so we can get our hands on her again. My higher ups think Richard will turn up if he knows we would kill his wife. But when I saw her, I was swept. She was gorgeous. She has dirty blonde hair that was in a wrecked bun when I saw her. She has royal blue eyes that will hold you for hours if you let them and a chest I'd kill for, literally. When I called her name and she spoke to me, I was taken off guard by her tone and attitude. All the guys said that she was as easy going and kind hearted as they come. They must have fucked her up. We talked a few minutes, I managed to get her number to start this out right.

I have to stay focused on what I'm supposed to be doing with her because I can already see myself taking her for myself, but then we'd both have a death wish.
Now that its finally wednesday, I can go have some coffee with Dove... Stacie. Have coffee with Stacie. Jesus, I gotta make sure I dont do that I tell myself making me crack a smile. I have the power to blow this whole thing out of the water, maybe I could take her. I shake my head trying to get clear as I make my way to the cafe.

When I get there, I go through the door and find Stacie sitting at a table tucked back from people. Perfect I think to myself. I go up behind her and just stand there admiring her from behind. I finally shake my head and close our distance and set my hand on her shoulder, squeezing it a second before letting it fall down her arm casually.
"Wow, you really dont have anything to so huh?" I ask her while I pass her and take my seat. I scooted my chair in and reminded myself to focus. I took an anxious swallow before smiling at her.

"Excuse me, you dont know shit. I was down here picking up my check anyway." She said shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

"Oh, you work here?" I ask her looking around the place for more detail and back to her. To see her nod at me sipping her coffee again.

"Hmm. Nice" I say quietly. That's good to know. If I wanted to, i could open up to the boys about what i know already so they can watch her too, but i havent made up my mind yet.

"It work ya know. A bitch gotta eat too." She says smiling at me. I stared at her teeth and lips smiling at just that. Her happiness is hypnotizing.

"Becca?" I hear her voice, easily bringing me back. I clear my eyes blinking a few times when she continues. "Are you okay? You dont seem... all together, i guess? I'm not sure because i dont know you, but you have this look you get when your mind goes off track." She says pointing out her observation. God damn, did i stare that long? Long enough she had enough time to evaluate me and know to a tee why I'm doing what I'm doing. I crinkle my eyebrows at her. And then I remember the info I was given on her.  Before any of this shit happened to her, she was a private investigator and given her reviews, a damn good one. But now that i remember, I cant let my face change because shed catch it immediately. So I just continue where I was.

"That's quite an observation, Stacie. I didnt realize youd be able to read me like a open fucking book." I say smirking at her. Being relatively attentive myself I notice the twitch in her eyebrow.

"I used to be a P.I., i realized then how important it is to see the red flags in any situation, even your own." She tells me seriously dropping her gaze to her cup, spinning it around on the table.

"Damn, thats impressive, I never would have thought a woman like you would do a job like that." I tell her honestly. If I hadn't know already, there is no way I would pin such a gorgeous woman as a p.i.

"A woman like me? What am I like?" She asks picking up her cup.

" this." I say motioning my hands up and down her form. "Honestly, you are a drop dead gorgeous dime piece. Damn near perfect. I couldnt imagine you following people, but vise versa."

She laughs genuinely at my words making me smile again.

"Are you saying youd follow me around?" She says with humor in her voice. I immediately drop my smile and hold eye contact with her

"To my dying day." I tell her seriously, making her drop her smile and look at me with a certain gleam I've yet to see on her. Satisfaction maybe? I'm not sure. I try to lighten the conversation and get myself back on track.

"So why here? You said you're new too right?" I ask her leaning back in curiosity.

"Yeah...uhh yeah. I.. I guess... I really just needed...i needed to get away from the people." She says looking down. And when she lifts her head again, shes clearly lost in herself, and a single tear leaves her eye. I know what's in her head and I want it gone. My people fucked her up and I feel the full guilt of it.

I leaned up to her sliding my thumb across her cheek, wiping the tear streak.

"That's ok, Stacie. We all want to leave some times." I tell her holding eye contact and giving her a smile.

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