Chapter 2: Casino fight

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Me and Bruce are walking in the hall of the casino. The woman we talked to earlier is following us.

Bruce: Al, let Gordon know what's happening.

Alfred: Right away.

One of Riddlers thugs appeared and saw us.

Thug: Hey, no one leaves!

The thug tries to hit us, but we move out of the way. I then punch the thug, making his head hit the wall. He then takes his gun out, Bruce quickly disarms the thug then grabs the back of his neck, he then throws him on the ground, knocking him out. He then takes apart the gun.

Y/N: Ugh.

Bruce looks at the woman.

Bruce: You okay?

Woman: Yeah, I'm okay.

We then walk out of the building. We are in a alleyway. I look at the woman.

Y/N: Run. Now.

The woman starts to walk away, but she stops.

Woman: What you two did to that man... knocking him out like that... How did you do that?

Y/N: Yeah, we're men of many talents.

Woman: That's... that's an understatement.

We nod.

Woman: Thank you.

She then runs away. We start walking down the alley.

Alfred: Commissioner Gordon on the line. Scrambling audio... now.

Bruce: Gordon.

Gordon: Batman -- what's the status?

Bruce brings the Batmobile over to us.

Bruce: Multiple gunmen. Hostages at the casino.

Bruce opens up the side of the Batmobile, showing our suits and gadgets.

Bruce: A madman in a mask. Riddler's back in Gotham.

Gordon: Riddler? He hasn't been seen in years.

Bruce: Well, he's putting on quite a show.

Gordon: There's a squad on the way. I'll be there shortly.

Bruce: Be ready for a fight.

We then gear up. We get back inside as the cops arrive. We head up top to see Riddler and his men put Rumi in some kind of death machine.

Riddler: Without fingers, I point, without arms, I strike, without feet -- I run. Who am I?

Batman has a Bat-Drone watching them.

Batman: I've got visual.

Alfred: Bat-Drone fully functional.

Robin: We'll need a place to drop in without being noticed.

Batman: Time for some recon.

Robin: Riddler...

Alfred: A terror from the past. I never thought I'd see him on our streets again. He's not to be taken lightly.

Batman: Riddler's taken hostages. Casino patrons, innocent bystanders.

Alfred: They're clearly not his main target. Must be an insurance policy.

Robin: Cashier's booth.

Batman: That'll do. Just need to take the guard out first.

Alfred: Audio playback fully functional.

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