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Robin's POV

Batman is currently in an ambulance. I am resting with Batgirl. Waller and Gordon were at the ambulance waiting for him to wake up, it looked like they were chill with each other. I look at Batgirl.

Robin: It's finally over...

Batgirl: Yeah...

She looks at the ambulance.

Batgirl: Will he be ok?

Robin: Yeah. He's tougher than he looks, he went through a lot worse.

Batgirl then sighs.

Batgirl: So this is what you do all the time... always in danger... always getting beaten up after...

Robin: It's not always like this. Some criminals are easy to take down, others are not.

I look at her.

Robin: It's ok if you want to stop...

Batgirl thinks, then looks at me.

Batgirl: No... I want to continue to help you... to help those who need it...

I smile.

Robin: Well then. I'm glad to have you by my side.

She smiles back.

Robin: And um... I think I know where we can go. Where we can move out...

Batgirl: Where?

Robin: I'll show you...

We lean in and kiss each other. We then pull back when we see Batman up and talking to Waller. Waller then walks away. We walk towards Batman.

Robin: Batman.

Batgirl: You're up.

Batman: Yeah. But my work here isn't fully done. I need to find Tiffany, and talk to her...

Robin: Why?

Batman: She was the one who killed Riddler...

I was shocked to hear this.

Robin: It was her?!

Batman: Yeah, which is why I need to talk to her. But you two were great. Thank you for all your help.

We smile.

Robin: Of course. Batman.

Batman gets out his grappling gun and grapples away. I look at Batgirl.

Robin: Let's get going.

Me and Batgirl get our grappling guns out and grapple away.


Bruce's POV

I head back to the manor after talking with Tiffany. She said that she was leaving Gotham. I walk inside the manor to see Alfred sitting on the couch, taking a drink. I see that he has a packed bag.

Alfred: I was going to write a note. But I'm not a coward. At least I don't want to be. Not anymore. Then again, this won't be the first time I've found my courage in a single malt.

Bruce: Courage for what?

Alfred: Saying goodbye.

Bruce: You just need rest, Alfred. Why don't you take a long vacation? Some place in the sun, on the other side of the world from Gotham.

Alfred: I rather think this vacation will be permanent.

Bruce: But why?

Alfred: This war of ours, it's not what it was when we started. I no longer have the stomach for it.

Batman: The Enemy Within (Male Reader Robin)Where stories live. Discover now