Chapter 14: Plans to take down The Pact

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Me and Alfred are at Wayne Manor. We've been watching the security feed. We saw Bruce with John and Harley. We also saw how Tiffany almost got hurt from the two. They now have the phalanx key... I see Alfred shaking at his chair.

Y/N: Alfred?

Alfred: I'm okay, Y/N...

Y/N: You sure? I hate seeing you shake like that.

Alfred: It'll pass. I promise.

We see Bruce enter.

Y/N: Bruce! Are you all right?

Bruce: I'm fine, Y/N.

Bruce sits down.

Alfred: We were keeping an eye on you over the security feed.

Bruce: Well, breaking in to my own company was... unexpected.

Alfred: My heart stopped when I saw that madwoman coming at Tiffany-

Y/N: I thought she was gonna kill her...

Alfred: That young woman is smarter than all of us. It's only a matter of time before she puts the rest of the pieces together. You know what she's like. She won't stop digging until she gets to the truth. Maybe we should just... tell her.

Bruce: Tiffany's safety is more important than the truth.

Alfred: Just be careful you don't drive her away. With regards to tonight's other catastrophes... Your night watchman got a nasty lump on the head, but don't worry. He'll be fine. I've already arranged for him to get a generous payout and a extended vacation. And replaced tonight's... offending security camera feed with dummy footage.

Bruce: Ye- yeah. Thank you.

Alfred: As for Regina, I'm afraid your "business clients" cover story is going to cause problems. Your encounter there was too bizarre to be ignored. Well, after what went on, it'll be a challenge to smooth things over with her.

Bruce: You're always so good at this, Alfred. You'll figure out the right thing.

Alfred: Yes, I suppose I will.

Bruce stands up and starts walking away.

Alfred: Bruce...

Alfred stands up.

Alfred: I know we agreed that there was no better way to get to Bane. And believe me, I want to see these monsters pay for what they've done. But this whole masquerade with John and Harley... well, frankly it's exhausting...

Y/N: I just want the Pact to be brought down.

Bruce: Don't worry, Y/N. They will be.

We look out the window to see the bat signal.

Alfred: Well, be careful and... good luck you two.

Bruce: Let's go, Y/N.

Y/N: Right behind you.

I stand up and I follow Bruce.


Me and Batman make it to the GCPD rooftop. We see Gordon waiting for us. We are behind him.

Batman: Been a busy night.

Gordon turns around and sees us.

Gordon: Good to see you two on your feet again.

He pulls out a flash drive.

Gordon: Here. You're welcome. It's information on Harleen Quinzel from sealed records we dug up at the coroner's office.

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