Chapter 18: The Dynamic Duo vs the Pact

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It is now morning. I slowly wake up. I am still at Barbara's place. I see her sleeping next to me. We were both naked under the covers. I slowly get out of bed to not wake her up. I check my phone to see that I have a bunch of missed calls from Alfred. I walk out of Barbara's room and call Alfred.

Alfred: Hello?

Y/N: Morning, Alfred.

Alfred: Ah. Thank goodness. You didn't return home last night. I was a little worried.

Y/N: I... stayed over at Barbara's last night.

Alfred: Oh? Well I can only imagine what you two did to keep you over there.

Y/N: You're not getting anything out of me.

I have a feeling Alfred now has a smile on his face.

Alfred: Were you "protected" last night.

Y/N: I'm not an idiot Al...

He laughs. I chuckle a little bit.

Y/N: And I... kinda told Barbara... everything...

Alfred: You did? She knows?

Y/N: Yeah, she even offered to join me and Bruce.

Alfred: That's Gordon's daughter. Are you sure it's ok?

Y/N: Trust me, she's got the skills. I taught her the same way Bruce taught me.

Alfred: If you say so... but you're gonna have to help her with her suit and equipment.

Y/N: I will.

Alfred: Well anyway, Bruce wants you back at the manor. He's getting closer to finding out the Pact's plan.

Y/N: Got it, I guess I'll head back and wait for him.

Alfred: Of course.

I hang up the phone. I go back into Barbara's room and see her still sleeping. She looked so cute asleep, I didn't want to wake her up. I decide to write a note that I was gonna help out Bruce with Batman and Robin business, and that I would help her with her suit and gadgets later. I find my clothes and put them on. I then leave her house and head back to the manor.


Me and Batman are headed to the Bodhi Spa. On the way, he caught me up with everything. The Bodhi Spa is where the Blacksite the Pact is at is located there. He blew his cover to save Catwoman, and he was able to get out on his own. And now we have to hurry and stop the Pacy before it's too late. We walk inside the spa.

Batman: Alfred, we're in.

Alfred: Any sign of Harley or the others?

We look around, there are bullet holes everywhere, we also see a worker on the chair, facing away from us. I walk over and spin the chair so it's facing us, the lower half of his body is gone!

Robin: They beat us here...

Batman: Looks like Bane took out one of the spa workers.

Alfred: More death and destruction.

We see a puddle of blood.

Batman: This blood trail looks like they dragged something.

Robin: Or someone...

We follow the trail. We go through the halls and find a door.

Batman: They're looking for Project Lotus.

Batman listens through the door, and then he kicks it down. We see a worker, one of his arms are frozen.

Worker: Batman! Robin!

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