Chapter |27|

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Your point of view:

I waited until the last minute to finally head to class and when I entered the classroom the green eyed girl looked at me as she spoke disappointed, "You're late, Miss Y/L/N." 

I didn't respond to what she had said and took my seat, I was too busy thinking about what David could possibly want from me and if I should go and see what he wants after school. "As I was saying- I was very unhappy with the scores that you all received on the English exam. Does anyone care to explain why only four out of the 23 students passed?"

I wonder if I was one of the four that passed the exam, a brunette with blonde streaks in her hair raised her hand making students whisper. The girl is known for being a know it all, every single time she speaks she is cocky bitch who thinks she's better than everyone else.

I spaced out and only realized it when the older brunette was standing right in front of me, a look of annoyance was on her face but quickly disappeared before she spoke, "I can't say that I'm not surprised that your test was one of the tests that passed. Good job." She spoke in a lower voice giving me a small smile which I ignored and went back to working on something for another class, History. It's the only class I'm not passing right now. From the corner of my eye I saw a curious yet hurtful expression from my girlfriend before she headed back to her desk.

Before I knew it the bell rang indicating that it was time to head to my next class, I wanted to get my stuff together and get out of the class before Lauren could stop me from leaving but if I really wanted that then I shouldn't have brought the amount of papers I had out of my binder. I was about to zip up my backpack and pull it over my shoulder when Lauren's raspy voice sounded and I mentally facepalmed. "Can we talk? It'll just be a minute."

"What do you wanna talk about? Is it school related?" I quizzed my arms instantly crossing in front of my chest which made the green eyed girl shift her stance whilst giving me a look that meant I knew it wasn't school related. Lauren waited until all students left the class before shutting the door and making her way back to me, her hands playing with a loose string from her shirt.

"I'm sorry about last night . . ." Saying nothing she took that as a chance to continue, "It's just that I got some news that had me worried and I wasn't really ready to talk about it." 

I felt a bit of annoyance towards her right now, rolling my eyes I spoke, "Are you actually sorry or are you just saying that so we could be all goody goody? I know you, Lauren. I know that you're going to keep dancing around the subject- not to mention you expect me to understand why you're snippy even though you won't fucking explain shit to me." The annoyance I felt came out in the way I spoke to my girlfriend, looking at her I saw that she was taken aback by my tone.  

"I'm sorry- I didn't mean to be rude, babe. I just- I don't like this not telling me things and taking your frustrations out on me." I spoke softly, reaching my hand to touch Lauren's hip which she let me do. "Please tell me what's going on?" With that the brunette nodded her head.

"Someone called to tell me that there's a rumor on campus that someone at school thinks that a teacher is sleeping with a student." This shocked me,  do they know that it's us? I thought we were being secretive about it? Why wouldn't she tell me this as soon as she heard about it? Was this why Lauren was talking to Principal Manning this morning?

"Do they know it's us?" I asked hesitantly, Lauren shook her head no and I relaxed just a little bit. "That's good right?"

"Yeah, I guess so." She looked so lost in thought right now, what was she thinking?

"What? What is it?" I stepped closer to her, now placing both my hands on her hips.

"I think we need to play things safe by laying low, I don't really want to ruin my life and go to jail over this..." A sudden ache swept through my chest, I understand the gravity of this situation, and I understand that we will have to lay low but I don't think she realizes how her words cut through me.

Blinking a couple of times, I removed my hands from her- stepping back away from her, "Then why did you engage with me, Lauren? If you don't want to 'ruin' your life." 

"That's not what I meant and you know it, Y/n." The older woman looked me in the eyes, panic spreading throughout those green eyes. "I just mean that we need to keep our distance, we can't go out in public, we can't do this, anymore." She motioned between the both of us. The realization that this might be the end of us ripped my heart right open, this is so fucked up. 

"What? So, how will we continue this then?"

"Maybe we shouldn't?" She hesitated, her eyes began to get watery making me shake my head.

"No." I said in a small whisper, "That's not how this is supposed to go, Lauren." Scoffing I blinked my tears away.

"How was this supposed to go, Y/n? I don't think we fully thought about this when we started." Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "I just don't think this is the best idea anymore. Especially when Manning is going to be on her guard about this shit now."

"You made me trust you, fall in love with you, feel safe only for you to drop me when things have gotten a little bit hard. You knew what we were doing, Lauren. If you were so worried about your future then you wouldn't have fucking entertained this with me. God, I'm so fucking stupid!" I kicked one of the chairs making it scrape against the tile in the classroom, Lauren jumped at this.

"I'm sorry.." Her voice came off so quiet that it cracked. 

Shaking my head I made my way to the door, I would look at her but I just can't right now. This is so fucked up, I can't have anything good in my life- there's always something preventing me from being happy. What the fuck is the point in trying to have a good life when it always ends the same for me? I felt tears falling from my eyes and rolling down my cheeks, wiping the tears off with my hand I walked out the door- not saying a single thing to Lauren.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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