Chapter |20|

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I really thought this whole time I updated.
Your point of view:

"I'm serious, Lauren literally was the most awkward kid when she was in the 8th grade! She couldn't talk to anyone she had a crush on without throwing up so she practically gave up on trying to get a boyfriend." Normani had told me and I bursted out laughing, turning my head to look at Lauren her cheeks were red but she had rolled her eyes before speaking. "Mani, shut up! That's so embarrassing, don't tell her that stuff!"

Laughing I kissed Lauren's hand, "I like hearing about this stuff, come on, I'll tell you about a story from when I was in sixth grade!" Lauren raised a brow before smirking.

"Let's hear it." Mani said before giving me her full attention, it's just Lauren, Normani, Dinah, Camila and I talking, their friend Ally wanted to talk to Lauren's brother and parents for a while.

"When I was in the sixth grade, I knew I had boobs but I refused to wear a bra. I only refused because I didn't like the feeling of the bra straps on my shoulders, shits uncomfortable. So during my second period, which was p.e, I tried to impress this one girl that I kinda liked but I didn't know I liked girls yet." Pausing I took a sip of my water before continuing, "I did a hand stand and a cartwheel and my shirt completely came off, everyone gasped and I was embarrassed so I lied and said that I was wearing a see through bra."

The girls all laughed except for Camila, Lauren pulled me closer placing a soft kiss on my neck, "You're joking, that's so embarrassing I would never be able to show my face ever again."

"At least you didn't live it.." I shook my head in disappointment.

"That story wasn't even that funny..." Camila scoffed and Dinah hit her arm telling her to be nice which lead to Camila whispering to Dinah that Lauren shouldn't have invited me.

Camila isn't the best whisperer, and surprisingly Lauren didn't hear a thing she said, I'm slightly hurt about this. I'm sensitive and if I knew her friend wouldn't like me then I wouldn't have come on this camping trip.

"Hi, I was wondering if you guys have a lighter?" A way too familiar male voice had said from behind us around the fire, Normani, Lauren and I turned around to look at who it was since we were facing towards Camila and Dinah. My heart practically stopped when I saw the familiar guy who stood near us.

"Lauren? Y/n?" He asked surprised to see me along with Lauren, but how does he know Lauren?

"David?" I stood back and faced him, Lauren followed the same movement and the girls looked confused. "Why are you here?" I asked clenching my teeth together.

"This is your brother?" Lauren asked confused and shocked. "You're her brother? You're the one who had hurt her?!"

"Calm down! I've changed, Y/n." He said stepping closer but I only stepped back slightly tripping over a piece of wood.

"You two know each other?.." I quizzed hesitantly and they both made eye contact before looking at me, they each had different answers, David had said yes and Lauren had said no.

"We used to date." David said, I'm trying not to make this a big deal in my head but I just can't help it. I can't believe Lauren had been with him. He's not too much older than me so that means she has done this before with a student. The girls took this as their cue to leave so they walked over to a picnic table and started chatting, probably about this.

Is this a thing with Lauren? To fuck her students?

"It wasn't even dating, it was just an occasional hook up, I can't believe you're the one who has been treating her this way." Lauren said in disappointment along with anger.  I could only think about one thing, is Lauren always getting involved with her students?

"Fuck you, David, you're always ruining every fucking good thing life has in store for me! You're such a fucking horrible big brother, not to mention the fact that I have been living at Kevin's house because I'm afraid to go back to my own home! I wish I never came on this fucking camping trip because all that has happened is a bunch of bullshit!" I raised my voice before walking away in the direction of the lake.

"Y/n, please, I can explain!" Lauren called out for me but I only had kept walking.

After a few minutes I heard footsteps make their way up to me. "It was something I regretted, and I regret it more now than ever." Lauren had said, huffing I turned to face her.

"What did you sleep with him when he was your student? Did you know he was treating his younger sister like shit and never putting food on the table for her? This really is a thing for you isn't it? Sleeping with your students?" I scoffed.

"That's not even what happened, Y/n. I-" I cut her off shaking my head, "I don't want to hear this."

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