Chapter |1|

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Your point of view:

Standing at the back of the school I leaned against the wall, drinking my energy drink. I don't usually drink energy drinks because they make me feel like shit at the end of the day but it seems I really needed it this morning.

My attention was taken off of my Red Bull by some girl who I forgot the name of clearing her throat. Her height is smaller than me and she wears her blonde hair in a bun, which doesn't exactly suit her but I'm not about to call her out on it, after all she is helping me out.

"Did you do it?" I quizzed setting down my drink on the concrete, looking down at my black timberland boots. Looking up the small blonde nodded her head nervously before handing me the pile of papers that were in her hands.

"It- um.. it's all there, you can even check." She stammered while fidgeting with the sleeve of her jacket which made me smirk, I love that I can intimidate people.

I looked through the papers that she had done and I puckered out my lips satisfied, "Thanks.. uh..."

"Talliah.. And no problem, my money for doing your homework?" Talliah held out her right hand for the 50 bucks I now owed her.

It's not that I'm stupid, it's just that I don't like to put effort into school work. I don't want to be portrayed as a complete nerd like, no offense to Talliah, but I don't want to be seen as a girl like her. I mean I'm a complete badass right now and people don't fuck with me so I'm okay with where I stand on the social status at school.

Placing the 50 dollar bill in her hand I nodded as I picked up my Red Bull then walked back inside to the now crowded hallway with students talking, and laughing. Some couples being all lovey dovey. I hate couples, they literally make me want to gag.

Once I made it to my first period English which also just happened to be my least favorite class because of the Teacher Mrs.Neilson, I don't even know how she hasn't retired yet.. she's seventy-eight years old and isn't doing to hot.  Don't get me wrong, Mrs.Neilson is a really nice lady and all but she teaches like a snail; she could be at home with her husband solving a puzzle instead of wasting her time of her last years (probably) teaching us high school students.

Walking inside of my English classroom I wasn't greeted by the same lady who I was used to over the past two months of school, instead I was greeted by the vice principal and a new female teacher who looked about in her mid twenties.

She had dark brown hair that was wavy down to her mid chest, she wore a white and black pocodotted button up shirt with a black leathered jacket along with grey skinny jeans. Is that even appropriate attire to wear to school hot damn!

"Ah, Y/L/N.. it's nice to see that you have finally showed up for class no?" Mr.Rhabb, the vice principal greeted me as I made my way to my seat at the front of the class room on the left near the door, I sat my backpack down by the feet of my chair before setting down the homework Talliah had done for me down on the table.

"It's Monday so... of course I'm going to be here." I said in a low tone hoping he did not hear the sass that had accidentally slipped, he didn't seem to notice and nodded his head agreeing.

The bell rang and students began to enter the class sitting in their assigned seats, as students entered the class room I had began to go through the homework that I had bought until it was taken off of my desk and looked at by of course, Mr.Rhabb.

"What is this?" He said looking over the paper with his eyes furrowed in confusion before looking down at me for an answer but I had only sat back in my chair in silence as my lips fell into a straight line.

"We'll talk in a second." He sat down the paper back on my desk before walking in the front of the classroom right next to the Brunette.

"Hi class, so as you can see Mrs.Neilson isn't here like she usually would be; Unfortunately she had retired over the weekend... finally, it was getting tiring to watch her become more unable to teach classes." He mumbled the last sentence which made the class chuckle.

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