Chapter |22|

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Your point of view:

Lauren and I got home about midnight last night, but I had asked her to drop me off at Kevin's house, it was better this way anyway, I can't be seen going to school with her plus I don't have much to say to her right now. Lauren was quite bummed but tried to hide it, I knew she wanted me to stay at her apartment with her again but I just can't right now. 

I was getting dressed when I heard a knock on the guest bedroom door, "Come in."

The door opened and I turned around from my desk only to see Kevin standing in the doorway looking tired but happy to see me.

"You're home," A smile grew across his features, standing up I walked over to him and brought him into an embrace. "How was camping with Lauren?"

Home. I didn't realize how much I wanted to hear him call this home with me living here for the time being, "It was good, sort of, my brother was at the camp site," I started as I unwrapped my arms from around Kevin's torso.

His face was full of confusion, he opened his mouth to say something but I knew what he was going to ask so I spoke to save time. "I guess he was camping the next site over? I think he was walking around to camp sites to see if anyone had a lighter." I tried not to let Kevin see that I was bothered by seeing my brother there.

"God dude, if I was there, which I definitely should have been, I wouldn't have been able to keep myself from beating the shit out of him. So, what happened once he saw you?"

Putting my papers in my binder I spoke, "He recognized me instantly, not only that but he recognized Lauren too." I explained while putting my binder in my backpack before slugging it onto my shoulders. Kevin was going to ask about what I meant but we had to get out to his car first.

*** *** ***

"Honestly dude, I'm so thankful for your family. For the job, letting me stay with you, everything." I sighed taking a sip of my caramel frappe as we walked down the school hallway to our lockers, we stopped at Starbucks because we definitely needed a little pick me up.

"Of course, that's what best friends are for. You are a part of our family, seriously. You are always safe at our house." Kevin spoke as a matter of fact, draping his arm around my shoulders as we stopped in front of my locker. This brought a smile on my face.

"Thank you so much, Kev," Once I got everything I needed from my locker we made our way down the right side of the hallway.

"What did you mean that your brother recognized Ms.Jauregui?"

The muscles in my jaw clenched before relaxing, "Apparently the the two of them dated, honestly I don't even know how Lau-Ms.Jauregui didn't realize that I was his little sister. I mean, she had to have known his last name if they dated right?" Teachers were walking by so I had to correct myself from calling Ms.Jauregui by her first name in these halls.

"They dated? What kind of person would date someone like your brother? I thought she was gay? I guess that would explain why she didn't beat the fuck out of him once she realized he was your abuser." Disgust was evident in his tone and I chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, I have the same questions." Dismissing the topic I leaned against the wall across from Ms.Jauregui's classroom.

"What did you want to plan to do for your birthday? I know it's not in a week or anything but I thought maybe the topic would brighten your mood."

Right, my birthday. "Well I want to get a tattoo, that's all I really had planned because my parents don't give a shit to even remember my birthdays. I wanted to go see my dad but I know how that will go." I looked down at my hands until I felt a hand rub my back.

"We can go see him if you'd like?" The fact that Kevin would go with me just in case things went south just proves how much of an amazing human being he is.

"I wanted to introduce him to Lauren, it would mean a lot to me to come out to him and for him to meet her. I don't know, maybe going with you would be better."

"You have time to decide, I won't be offended if you don't want to go with me. I completely get why you would want for him to meet Lauren and such, I just don't want you to not have an out."

I nodded my head then turned to face him, "I appreciate you for that, I really do. Hey, um I'll see you soon? I think I'm going to get something to drink from the cafeteria then try and talk about everything to Lauren." Kevin nodded his head and we did our little handshake we created before we headed in our own directions.

It took longer than I expected just to get a simple mango smoothie by the company Naked, but apparently everyone decided to get something to eat at the same time. They really should creat a separate like and check out for the students who just want to  buy a drink. Waste of fucking time.

Because of the long wait I was now 5 minutes late for class, Lauren is not going to be happy about that. Once I reached the classroom I hesitated on opening the door for a few seconds but eventually I took a breath and entered. The moment I stepped foot in the room all eyes were on me including those emerald eyes had an irritated look in them and I instantly felt ashamed.

"Miss Y/L/N, nice of you to join us. Care to explain why you are late to my class?" Her rough voice and her asking me to explain in front of the class just indicates to me that she is upset that I am late.

We've talked about this before, I hate it when she calls me out in front of everyone. It's so embarrassing.

"I.." Lauren crossed her arms as she stood in front of the white board, her right brow raised making me to pause for a second, "There was a long line in the cafeteria, I was just trying to get a drink. That's why I'm late.." I avoided all eye contact with the older girl, people were whispering to each other, probably talking shit on me.

"You were late to my class because you were trying to get a drink?" Opening my mouth I then shut it, unsure of what to say. "Take a seat, Y/n. And pay attention."

All I did was look down at the ground the entire time to my desk, I can't look at her when she gives me that look. What even is her problem? I didn't do anything, she's being a jerk for no fucking reason and I'm pissed about it.

Lauren continued teaching some lesson about Edgar Allen Poe, I guess we're learning why he wrote the things he wrote and what they mean. I was uninterested because I remember learning about Edgar Allen Poe back in like, the eighth grade. You probably could've already guessed it, class was very long. I kept my head down is all I can say.

Finally the bell rang and students grabbed their things and left, some bidding Lauren a good day. I tried to pack my two notebooks fast so I could get the hell out of this classroom but some papers fell out of my notebooks pouches. Just my fucking luck.

The classroom was almost silent except for the footsteps approaching me, I could smell the honey and vanilla. Lauren.

Lauren knelt down to help me pick up the few papers I dropped but I stopped her, "I got it," I spoke gathering them before shoving them back into my stupid notebooks. I tried to make a bee line straight out the door but Lauren stopped me by speaking up.

"What's your deal?" She questioned me, her asking this only made me more upset.

"Seriously?" I scoffed rolling my eyes, "You call me out and be a complete dick to me in class in front of everyone, and you ask what's my deal? What the fuck is your deal, Lauren." I snapped looking her in the eyes.

"You were late. You know I don't like it when people are late." Is she fucking serious right now?

"It wasn't even my fault! I was fucking 5 minutes late or so, if anyone else was late you would not have called them out and embarrass them in front of everyone. You could have asked after class why I was late, instead of doing something that I have told you multiple times bothers me," Pausing I ran my hands down my face, "I wanted to talk you but now I don't, just leave me alone Lauren, seriously."

I didn't give her the chance to stop me, she couldn't have anyway because students from her next class were getting ready to come into her classroom.

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