Chapter |12|

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Lauren's point of view:

My alarm was going off on my night stand waking me up from a good night's rest, I don't really think I had a dream last night but that's okay.

Sitting up I turned off my alarm that was on my phone then looked to the sleeping Y/H/C in my bed, she was currently hugging one of the pillow with her left arm as her right arm that was in a cast rested on the bed. I wonder if it still hurts for her?

Y/n let out a deep cough as she pulled the comforter more up to cover her body, I can't help but feel bad for her... Y/n never seems to get a break. The fact that I took the weed from her and didn't giver her money for it was honestly a huge mistake, it caused her to get hurt by her boss.

"Y/n," I called softly as I made my way to her side of the bed, Y/n hummed while her eyes were still closed. "Come on, it's time to get ready for school princess."

She groaned before coughing, "I'm not a princess." She fluttered her eyes open when I sat on the side of the bed, "And I don't feel good Laur."

Furrowing my eyebrows concerned I placed the back of my hand on her forehead noticing she was warm, she could be sick.

"Okay, I think you might have a fever, so I think you should stay in today no school. Can I get you anything before I hop in the shower? I asked but Y/n had only shaken her head 'No.' "You sure?"

"I'm just going to go back to sleep." Her voice was still groggy as she turned her head away from me.

Chewing on my bottom lip I nodded my head before grabbing a black and white striped shirt that had two buttons on the top and grey jeans. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me before I began to strip down naked.

*** *** ***

"Do you have to go into work today?" Y/n asked when I walked out of the bathroom with a towel on my head drying my hair, she rubbed her eyes before sitting up in bed watching me as I set down the pair of pants I am going to wear today on the top of the dresser.

Looking back at Y/n I noticed she had a small frown on her face as she looked at my ass, "Sadly I do, and hey who gave you permission to stare at my ass?"

"I can't help it, we haven't had sex in days.  And I don't want to be here alone all day." She huffed, and I gave her a small smile as I walked over to her climbing on top of her before looking into her Y/E/C eyes, our faces only inches apart.

I know, her and I haven't had sex for a few days but we just have been so busy, and she has been getting hurt a lot so I don't want to hurt her anymore than she already is hurt.

"You have no idea how much I would like to stay home and take care of you," I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth noticing her nipples were hard, "But unfortunately I can't call in sick when school starts in a little while."

I watched the younger girl purse her lips nodding slowly, I leaned in closer to capture her lips in between my own for a soft prolonged kiss.

"I guess you do have a point, but will you at least stay home with me just for a little while longer? You've got a good thirty minutes to stay with me." Humming I thought about it earning a funny look from the younger girl below me.  "Please?" She begged giving me puppy dog eyes.

God, who could possibly resist that?

"Okay, okay." I said chuckling, "I will stay just a little bit longer, but then I really do have to go."

"Sounds good to me." Y/n gave me a bright smile showing her teeth which made me giggle as I turned my head slightly to get a good look at her. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist me when I had given you the puppy dog look."

Rolling my eyes, I spoke. "It totally was not the puppy dog eyes that made me want to stay." As soon as I said that she raised an eyebrow as she pulled her lips into a straight line giving me a 'Really now?' look which made me shake my head no laughing.

"You're so cute, you know that right?" I was now laying in between her legs comfortably, Y/n blushed underneath me and covered her face with her hands.

I love it so much when she blushes, she's so adorable.

Pulling her hands away from her face I placed a bunch of tiny little kisses all over her face causing Y/n to laugh and scrunch up her nose, "Stop it." She whined but I had only continued to kiss all over her face.

"Do you want to go out to eat for lunch today?" She asked me with a small smile playing on her lips which made me smile until I realized we can't be seen in public.

"I would love to, but we can't be seen together outside of school... it would raise suspicion if someone from school saw us eating lunch together."

I heard her huff before she pushed me off her, "Yeah... I forgot." She sounded so disappointed it broke my heart. I would love for our relationship to not be a secret, so we could go out in public without having to worry about anyone seeing us together.

"Come on, please don't be mad. If I weren't a teacher and you weren't my student, we wouldn't have to hide."

"I'm just growing tired of hiding, I turn 18 in a month and graduate in a few months after that." Y/n had sat up and started making her way out of our room which I had only followed behind her after I pulled my pants on. "This is my first real relationship and I have to hide my feelings for you, that's just wonderful." She said under her breath and I felt horrible.

"Babe, I didn't ask for this..."

"Yeah, I know. Maybe you should head to work, I know that you like to get everything ready early so." She reached for a cup in the cupboard then put the clear glass under the fridge to fill her glass with water.

"Are you really upset with me?" I quizzed biting my bottom lip watching her take a sip of the water then coughing.

She only shrugged her shoulders and took the cup of water to the bedroom, she can't really be upset with me when I didn't ask for any of this to be happening.

Sighing I grabbed my grey book bag and walked out of the apartment before locking the door behind me, today is going to be such a long day.

*** *** ***

It took me at least 10 minutes to get to the school and once I got there and entered my classroom I began to write what we were going to be going over in class today on the white board.

Once I finished writing on the board in black marker I felt my phone buzzing in my pockets, so I had pulled it out only to see that it was Ally calling me. I swiped right before holding the phone up to my right ear. "Hey, what's up?"

"I need to talk to you." Ally said stern and it made me kind of nervous if I am being honest.

"What about exactly?"

"The whole student thing, I know you've been sleeping with her... the one that is being abused? Dinah told me, she's seen you around with her. You can't do this Lauren." Her voice went from stern to concern.

Dinah has seen us?

"I don't know what you are talking about Ally." I lied scratching the back of my neck.

"You're lying, anyways... I think you should end anything you have with her before it gets serious and someone will find out, you are putting too much at risk here Lauren."

Sighing I spoke softly, "I really like her though.."

"You'll find someone better, but you really need to end things with her... you could go to jail!"

"I know, I know. I'll do it tonight..."

"Good. I'm sorry that this is happening honey, but you knew that this wouldn't go well." Ally said.

"I know.. I'll keep you posted I guess, I'll see you later Ally." With that I hung up the phone and ran both of my hands through my hair, this is fucking shit.

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