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For SeffSteroidzD2nd and OraRythm

If I were a character:

If I were a character:

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-Ever since the Celesteal fight she would stab herself daily.

-If she never became the star savior she would have been a murderer or commit suicide.

-She questions why she's corrupted.

-She's corrupted by her own soul.

-She wants to die but she knows that there are still many things she can do.

-She's Neutral, what I mean is that she isn't good but isnt Evil either.

-She was supposed to be a portal mage oc.

-She would kill for Cyalm.

-She murders sometimes.

-She has a knife collection.


-She can kill you in a mili-second.


-Tries not to swear but still does.

-S h e  w a s n ' t  e v e n  s u p p o s e d 
t o  e x i s t .

-S h e  l i v e s  n e a r  t h e  s k y 
e m p o r i u m  c a u s e  s h e  m i g h t  k i l l  t h e  p e o p l e .

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