You just r/whooshed to death

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This is a stupid idea i got at midngith. Enjoy what the points will react if you died. Imma make a better ver of this later. Im lazy.

Shallare would feel sad, and in like a few days he would try to do something that won't make him sad, he knows that you probably dont want him to be sad.

Signol would sing a song in remembrance of you, probably a sad song or a song that matches you.

Compale would be the same as shallare but with a little Christmas twist.

Ploque would remember the times that you visited/hangout with her.

Anshine would feel sad, knowning that your gone. He will also wonder who would be the next savior in this case.

Ulipse would try to forget about it and think about happy stuff, but mostly fails.

Arrolin would try to cheer up the other, and fails. She also is sad.

Mino something I robot does? Im cofused rn.

Ixol wouldnt be that afrected by your death, but just a little sad. Like teensy tiny sad. 

Cyalm wouldnt react much, cause he probably didnt know. (after events of af2)

The points in ascension except Voixer would feel a little sad, knowing that you got them out from the pocket world.

No idea what voixer would feel.

Aromist would feel bad.

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