Chapter 1: A sad beginning

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Tanjiro Kamado was a very kind hearted person who lived with his mother and siblings. He was the eldest  child of the family and had to sell charcoal to provide for his poor family after his father died. Even with all those challenges, the kamado family still lived a happy life. They lived in very small house in the woods. But the kamado family had something unique, it was a dance called "hinokami kagura" in which Tanjiro had to perform 12 movements in a row for the whole day with no breaks on New Years Day. The kamado family was happy and was living a positively. Until one night... One horrible night...

Tanjiro POV:

It was night time. I had just gotten back home after selling charcoal at a nearby town. I was happy to be back but instead I saw my family's bodies lying on the house floor, blood coming out from their bodies. My jaw dropped at the horrific sight. I quickly ran inside to check if they were still alive...... they weren't. But to my relief I saw my sister Nezuko on the floor crying with wounds on her body and little blood coming out of them, at least she was alive but we were the only kamados left. And then I heard a voice from behind me.

"looks like I left out two kamados."

I quickly turned around and saw a man in his late 20's, he had pale white skin and wore a tux and a fedora on his head. His eyes were like a snake's but they were pink. 

"You did this!"

The man chuckled and said, "you remind me of that man."

Just then he rushed forward and punched me in the chest, it was so fast that I had no time to react to it. Then he stabbed my sister with a knife he took from the kitchen. She screamed with pain and I tried to get up but was scratched by the man on one side of my face. Blood spilled out from my face and Nezuko looked at me with horror.

And with that, the man left thinking that both of us would die.

I was in pain. A lot of pain. But I was still alive. Then, I blacked out.

I heard a voice... a very familiar voice, it was from my mother. 

"Save nezuko. Please. Save your sister, Tanjiro."

A few seconds had passed, and I managed to regain my consciousness somehow. To my shock, I saw my body in perfect condition and I felt no pain. I touched my face... it was fine, I couldn't even feel a scratch on it. But I still had to save Nezuko who was lying on the floor unconscious. I quickly took a hatchet from one of the rooms in case that man appeared again and carried her outside of the house shouting for help while running. I ran and ran and ran as far as my legs could carry me to the closest village for help, but then I got tired. I collapsed on the floor and Nezuko's body fell to the ground filled with snow.(I forgot to mention that it was snowing sorry 😞) I felt her heart beating, it was feint and slow and I knew she was about to die soon. I touched her arms and cried. 

"I'm sorry, I couldn't protect anyone and I'm the eldest son!" 

I felt something hot, something was burning. I looked up and saw flames on Nezuko's body. I leapt back in shock and after a while the flames suddenly disappeared. What happened? Then I saw Nezuko's eyes opening, she regained consciousness and her wounds were fully healed. It was a miracle... how did it happen, what happened! I was lost for words and hugged her tightly. When she saw me she stuttered.

"T-T-Tanjiro, y-y-your face, your face!" She said with horror.

I was puzzled but I saw my reflection when I looked into her pink eyes. My face had changed. My eyes looked like the man who murdered my family but it was red. I had grown fangs in my teeth and two more scars appeared so in total I had three of them.

Nezuko POV 

When i saw my brother's face, I was scared but then I hugged him tightly. I had no idea how I managed to regain my consciousness and how my body fully recovered from the stab. But when I let go of his hug......

Tanjiro got stabbed by a katana.


I looked behind Tanjiro and saw a man with long black hair and he wore a mismatching haori.

"RUN! He is a demon!" the man said.

Enter Giyuu.

Hi new story. Will write when I want to. I didn't know how to start the beginning sooo...


1. Tanjiro is now a demon and he has a blood demon art that can heal people (the fire I mean).

2. Tanjiro is the eldest sibling. Nezuko is the eldest female sibling.

3. Tanjiro is 15 years old in this chapter. Same as kanao. (I know kanao is older ok? just wanted to change it a bit)


5. E

6. Don't ask me why Giyuu didn't cut off Tanjiro's head at first.

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