End of the Endgame

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Brought to you by a very bored writer who realized this existed.

Inosuke: "We won?"

Zenitsu: "Ouch! Did we?"

Giyuu: "He's... gone. Muzan Kibutsuji's.... gone. W-We... won?"

Everyone was at a lost for words. His body, burned away and life took by the Sun. Not even his ashes remained. Silence filled the area. They looked at each other. Then smiles and tears of joy and relief grew on their faces. They shouted out loud, "Muzan's dead!" and they all cheered.


Hundreds of kakushi invaded the area and aided all who were in critical condition. Those who were injured couldn't careless about their wounds, as the news of the dead demon king relieved their pain. The fallen hashiras, Gyomei, Obanai, Mitsuri, knew that it was over, but so were their lives. But they didn't care. Not one bit. Scattered across the battle field, their barely able to move bodies rested in relief, before taking their final breaths.

Gyomei: "To my fellow slayers. You can all put your swords down. It's over. We've won. Rest, live your lives to its fullest. Goodbye."

The stone hashira closed his eyes for the final time, so did the others. The kakushi could only cry for the hashira. They were grateful and in debt to them. But now that most of them were gone, they could only repay them by not wasting their sacrifices and lead and good life.

However, Muzan was eager to have the last laugh. His spirit invaded the unconscious Tanjiro's consciousness, in hopes of evolving his little demon, and make him his successor of The Demon King.

Tanjiro: Where am I? Did we win? We had to have! We crashed a whole building down on him!

Muzan: "Hello there."

Tanjiro: Muzan?

Muzan: Aren't you a bit frightened?

Tanjiro: No. I'm not.

Muzan: WHAT!

Tanjiro: I said I'm not. I know you're powerless now. You're nothing but a struggling consciousness of that demon. It's over Muzan, just go to your long awaited hell.

Muzan: Ah... see, that's where you're wrong boy! I've taken over your demon body in the real world.

Tanjiro: What! Impossible!

Muzan: Haha... silly little brat, when you're the demon king, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!

Tanjiro: You liar! You're lying aren't you?

Muzan: Lying? I would never do such a foul thing. Oh, and by the way, you, or actually, your real demon body is currently attacking your dear friends.

Tanjiro's eyes filled with horror. He suspected that he was lying, but knowing how powerful and ruthless that man was, his suspicions quickly disappeared.

Muzan: However, I can offer you a deal. I won't kill your dear friends, but in return, I'll give you all the power I have. Not bad right?

Tanjiro: You psycho! Never!

Muzan: Oh what a shame. You really piss me off. You had your chance. I'll just take it by force then!


Tanjiro: Ahh! Dammit! No! I... mustn't! But... he's too powerful! I'm losing control of my own body!

Then, Tanjiro could see the amount of blood and injured bodies surrounding him. He covered his mouth and gasped at the horrific and disgusting sight. He saw his sister Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Giyuu and Kanao, lying down on the ground struggling to get back up. They were all critically injured, anymore fighting would be the end for them. Tanjiro started tearing. He pleaded, begging for Muzan to stop his rampage. But it was simply too late.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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