Chapter 6: Three Houses, One Demon

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Tanjiro and Kanao are currently doing house chores...or more specifically, they're folding clothes. Since Tanjiro always does chores, he folded five kimonos while Kanao only folds one.

Kanao: "Wow Tanjiro... you are so fast!"

Tanjiro: "Nah, I just do chores last time at home and at the butterfly mansion when I'm helping Aoi."

While folding the clothes, the house lady chalks in and asks for a favor.

House lady: "Emm... Sanji, Kanao, were short of people can you guys help move these gifts."*pointing at a mountain of presents*

Tanjiro: "Sure! Why not!"

Kanao: Great, more work! 


Uzui: "Man, you hugs are so ugly no one wants to buy you. What a bother."

Zenitsu: "Oh shut it old man." *mumbles*

Uzui: "What was that?"

Zenitsu: "Nothing."

Inosuke then gets sent (sold) to the Ogimoto house while zenitsu gets sent to the Kyogoku house.

Back to Tanjiro and Kanao...

While Tanjiro and Kanao were carrying the large amount of gifts with no problems at all, they heard some girls talking about other houses when they were putting the gifts down.

Girl 1: "Hey, I heard that the Okami at the Kyogoku house fell from a window and died."

Girl 2: "Yeah, and more girls have gone 'Ashinuke' and disappeared. Scary... just like Suma."

Tanjiro: *puts down gifts* "Kyogoku? Isn't that one of the houses where one of Uzui's wives is? And Suma? That's the one we're searching for! I wonder what does 'Ashinuke' mean."

Kanao: "Ashinuke means running away without paying your debts. If you are caught you will be punished."

Tanjiro: Oh right, she used to be a slave. Better not hit too close to home. "Then where could Suma b-"

Tanjiro is cut off by Koinatsu Oiran.

Koinatsu Oiran: "You two stop gossiping. We don't know if she really ran away." *looks at gifts*

Koinatsu Oiran: "Thank you two for carrying those gifts, here's a treat. *hands them snacks*

Tanjiro: "No problem and thank you." Wow she is very kind. "So did Suma really run away?"

Koinatsu Oiran: "why do you ask?"

Tanjiro: "Emm... because... Suma... is..." *makes weird face*

You see... Tanjiro was raised sooooo well, he can't even lie and if he tries to, he will make a rather ugly face.

Kanao: Oh no, Tanjiro is in trouble. "Em... because Suma is an old friend of ours."

Tanjiro: *briefs a sigh of relief* Nice save, Kanao.

Koinatsu Oiran: "Oh! Well I am sorry to hear. You must be worried. Well good luck to you two, I need to do something..." *walks away*

Kanao: "you know... you look cute with that face."

Tanjiro: "Well too bad coz you're never gonna see this face again, I will never lie to you."

Kanao: That's good to hear.

Flashback to two days ago at house Kyogoku...

???: You must restraint yourself, our girls are running away and committing suicide, Warabihime.

Warabihime: "I don't see the problem Okami, can't you see that those girls pester me? Why won't you join my side?"

Okami: "I can't help defend you anymore, you've gone too far, I'm sorry."

Warabihime: "Old woman, where would this establishment be if it weren't for me?"

Okami: "A long time ago, a tea house mistress told me about an Oiran who was incredibly ill-natured. She said that she was a kid at that time but saw another Oiran just like her. And when both Oirans were pissed, each one had the same distinctive way of tilting their head and glaring up from under their brow. Just l-like you! Are you even human!!"

'Warabihime' then disappeared and reappeared high above the ground while grabbing onto the Okami by her face and transformed back to her original form... a demon. 

Warabihime: "You don't have to hide that knife that you're hiding, you can't even kill me. You know, they say that in order to live a long life, is to keep silent when you see horrible things. That's how everyone near me has survived... until now. You are to ugly to eat so your death will be from falling."

Okami: "N-N-N-NOOOOOO!!!"

People: "What was that?" "Did you hear that!?" "Hey! The Kyogoku Okami is dead!" "What how?"

'Warabihime' walked back to her room and saw something or rather... someone that stunned her.

Warabihime: "Master Muzan!" *quickily bows*

Muzan: "hello... Daki. It appears that you have eaten quite the number of demons, you are stronger... but don't get careless okay?"

Daki: "Yes! Lord Muzan!"

Muzan: "Daki... I expect great things from you, you are the most beautiful demon there is and you have put seven hashira in their graves. Don't disappoint me."

Daki: "Of course not, Lord Muzan!"

Muzan: "Good... then I shall be taking my leave."

And just like that, Muzan is gone.

Present time...

At the Kyogoku house, Warabihime (Daki) slaps Zenitsu which sends him flying and crashing into a wall.

Warabihime: "This girl needs harsh discipline, HARSH discipline"

Some guy: "Yes miss Oiran Warabihime."

Warabihime: That girl... although she lost her consciousness, she only received light injuries from that impact. She does not have the strength of a hashira but she could be a demon slayer. Well, well, well, looks like they have fallen into my trap... I'll be sure to eat all their bodies.

Meanwhile at the Tokito house...

Tanjiro: This town has a dark and murky smell at night.

Kanao: "Tanjiro, are you going to sleep?"

Tanjiro: "Yeah... in a bit." *kisses Kanao by the cheek* "goodnight."

Kanao: It's good to have him as a boyfriend. He's so sweet.

Author: "Sayonara." BYEEEEE

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